Runes of Magic Wiki
guid 103412 (RW/Ggl) 103402 (RW/Ggl) 108434 (RW/Ggl)
Hitpoints 13,601,310 HP 53,454,997 HP 171,705,990 HP
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos 11 34 68

General information about requirements and strategy for this encounter, if known, may be found on the Dungeon zone page.

Easy[ | ]

Mob ID#: 103412

Known Drops:
            • Ancient Memento Ancient Memento ×11
              • Link Rune Link Rune (Carpentry)
              • Yarnatha
                [Military Officer]
                Race (MCT)Kashay (Humanoid)
                Class Knight
                Level95 Crown Elite aggressive
                HP: 13,601,310
                Respawn† 166:40:00


                † The Respawn Timer of a Boss or World Boss may vary by as much as plus or minus 33% to discourage Spawn Camping.

                To find this mob in-game, use BACKSPACE to open the World Search window, then enter Yarnatha in the Search field and click "Search". Remember, the field is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown.

                A Word About Common Drops: Every mob in the game has a chance to drop Sigils, Health Potions, Mana Potions, Ammunition, Runes and Festival Items, as well as a few rarer items such as Amulet of Light Amulet of Light. For this reason, we discourage listing them in the Known Drops section. See Common Drop Table for more information. Exception: All mobs always drop the same Production Rune and we will list it. Also see Energesis (Zone Loot Table) for more information about common drops in this zone.

                This mob does not have a Monster Compendium card.

                Normal[ | ]

                Mob ID#: 103402

                Known Drops:
                          • Ancient Memento Ancient Memento ×34
                            • Link Rune Link Rune (Carpentry)
                            • Yarnatha
                              [Military Officer]
                              Race (MCT)Kashay (Humanoid)
                              Class Knight
                              Level95 Crown Elite aggressive
                              HP: 53,454,997
                              Respawn† 166:40:00


                              † The Respawn Timer of a Boss or World Boss may vary by as much as plus or minus 33% to discourage Spawn Camping.

                              To find this mob in-game, use BACKSPACE to open the World Search window, then enter Yarnatha in the Search field and click "Search". Remember, the field is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown.

                              A Word About Common Drops: Every mob in the game has a chance to drop Sigils, Health Potions, Mana Potions, Ammunition, Runes and Festival Items, as well as a few rarer items such as Amulet of Light Amulet of Light. For this reason, we discourage listing them in the Known Drops section. See Common Drop Table for more information. Exception: All mobs always drop the same Production Rune and we will list it. Also see Energesis (Zone Loot Table) for more information about common drops in this zone.

                              This mob does not have a Monster Compendium card.

                              Hard[ | ]

                              Mob ID#: 108434

                              Known Drops:
                                        • Ancient Memento Ancient Memento ×68
                                          • Link Rune Link Rune (Carpentry)
                                          • Yarnatha
                                            [Military Officer]
                                            Race (MCT)Kashay (Humanoid)
                                            Class Knight
                                            Level95 Crown Elite aggressive
                                            HP: 171,705,990
                                            Respawn† 166:40:00


                                            † The Respawn Timer of a Boss or World Boss may vary by as much as plus or minus 33% to discourage Spawn Camping.

                                            To find this mob in-game, use BACKSPACE to open the World Search window, then enter Yarnatha in the Search field and click "Search". Remember, the field is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown.

                                            A Word About Common Drops: Every mob in the game has a chance to drop Sigils, Health Potions, Mana Potions, Ammunition, Runes and Festival Items, as well as a few rarer items such as Amulet of Light Amulet of Light. For this reason, we discourage listing them in the Known Drops section. See Common Drop Table for more information. Exception: All mobs always drop the same Production Rune and we will list it. Also see Energesis (Zone Loot Table) for more information about common drops in this zone.

                                            This mob does not have a Monster Compendium card.
