Runes of Magic Wiki
For other articles with related titles, see Drillers.


This summarized page lists in-game items or topics best summed up with a single wiki article. This is so we can avoid making dozens of pages all dealing with slight variations of the same thing. If they are created at all, the individual pages should all redirect here.

See Item Shop Items

Using the Planting skill, this item can be grown from the following seed(s):
Moon Flower Seed Moon Flower Seed (1)

This item comes from:

Icon - Weapon Driller
Weapon Driller
Item Shop Item
Not dropped on PK death
Cannot be sold
Can be used to add one extra rune slot to a weapon up to a maximum of ___ slots.
(After right-clicking this item, clik on the weapon you want to add the rune slot.)

Weapon Drillers are purchased in the Item Shop and come in several varieties, quantities and price points.

Item Max Slots Source (Cost)
Basic Weapon Driller Basic Weapon Driller 1 Item Shop (5Diamonds ($0.15) ) or
grown from Moon Flower Seed Moon Flower Seed or
found in Equipment Enhancement Package (Steel) Equipment Enhancement Package (Steel) or
found in Support Package V Support Package V
Advanced Weapon Driller Advanced Weapon Driller 2 Item Shop (15Diamonds ($0.45) ) or
found in Mystic Package Mystic Package or
found in Support Package XVIII Support Package XVIII
Expert Weapon Driller Expert Weapon Driller 3 Item Shop (30Diamonds ($0.9) )
Master Weapon Driller Master Weapon Driller (RW/Ggl) 4 Item Shop (50Diamonds ($1.49) )