Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki

Most mobs in Wailing Fjord can drop any of the following items, in addition to Health Potions, Mana Potions, Ammunition, Production Runes, and Festival Items. Usually this is Common and Normal items, but may also include a few Good items.

Grotto of Horror (Zone Loot Table) redirects here.

Consumables[ | ]

Health Potions and Mana Potions that drop within a zone are usually for sale by at least one merchant in that zone.

Sold by:

Ammunition[ | ]

Ammunition that drops within a zone are usually for sale by at least one merchant in that zone.

Sold by:

Armor[ | ]

A.K.A. The Wailing Fjord item set: Shoulders, Chest, and Legs armor, level is Normal Armor 83/Good Armor 84.

Cloth (Arum)[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders Arum Cloth Shoulder Guards Rare Arum Cloth Shoulder Guards
Upper Body Arum Cloth Robe Rare Arum Cloth Robe
Lower Body Arum Long Pants Rare Arum Long Pants

Leather (One Thousand Stone Eyes)[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders One Thousand Stone Eyes Leather Shoulder Guards Rare One Thousand Stone Eyes Leather Shoulder Guards
Upper Body One Thousand Stone Eyes Leather Armor Rare One Thousand Stone Eyes Leather Armor
Lower Body One Thousand Stone Eyes Leather Pants Rare One Thousand Stone Eyes Leather Pants

Chain (Lake Noktus)[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders Lake Noktus Chainmail Shoulder Guards Rare Lake Noktus Chainmail Shoulder Guards
Upper Body Lake Noktus Chainmail Armor Rare Lake Noktus Chainmail Armor
Lower Body Lake Noktus Leg Guards Rare Lake Noktus Leg Guards

Plate (Feyna Forest)[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders Feyna Forest Plate Shoulder Guards Rare Feyna Forest Plate Shoulder Guards
Upper Body Feyna Forest Plate Armor Rare Feyna Forest Plate Armor
Lower Body Feyna Forest Leg Guards Feyna Forest Leg Guards Rare Feyna Forest Leg Guards Rare Feyna Forest Leg Guards

Weapons[ | ]

Type Normal Weapons 83 Good Weapons 84
Dagger Ailic's Pirates Battle Blade Ailic's Pirates Battle Blade Rare Ailic's Pirates Battle Blade Rare Ailic's Pirates Battle Blade
Sword Shotak Pirate Battle Blade Rare Shotak Pirate Battle Blade
2-H Sword Giant Shotak Pirate Massacre Blade Giant Shotak Pirate Massacre Blade Rare Giant Shotak Pirate Massacre Blade Rare Giant Shotak Pirate Massacre Blade
Hammer Light Bodos Warrior Hammer Rare Light Bodos Warrior Hammer
2-H Hammer Giant Bodos Warrior Hammer Rare Giant Bodos Warrior Hammer
Axe Franko Pirate Battle Axe Rare Franko Pirate Battle Axe
2-H Axe Giant Franko Pirate Massacre Axe Rare Giant Franko Pirate Massacre Axe
Bow Light Bodos Hunting Bow Rare Light Bodos Hunting Bow
Crossbow Ailic's Pirates Hunting Crossbow Ailic's Pirates Hunting Crossbow Rare Ailic's Pirates Hunting Crossbow Rare Ailic's Pirates Hunting Crossbow
Wand Staff of the Waters of Lake Noktus Rare Staff of the Waters of Lake Noktus
Staff Foundling's Two-handed Ruin Staff Rare Foundling's Two-handed Ruin Staff
Shield item name needed item name needed
Talisman item name needed item name needed

Drops listed on this page should be considered exemplary, not exhaustive. I am sure you will find drops in this zone that are not on this list but should be. Try to avoid drops that come from only a list of mobs and not everyone, but if you find one that should be on this page, please feel free to send a message to an admin or just edit this page and add it yourself.
