Runes of Magic Wiki

Most mobs in Vortis can drop any of the following items, in addition to Health Potions, Mana Potions, Ammunition, Production Runes, and Festival Items. Usually this is Common and Normal items, but may also include a few Good items.

These tables are shared with the following zones:

Consumables[ | ]

Those consumables that drop within a zone are usually for sale by at least one merchant in that zone.

Treasure Table 723989:

Potion Merchants:

Ammunition[ | ]

Ammunition that drops within a zone are usually for sale by at least one merchant in that zone.

Treasure Table 723989:

General Merchants:

Raw Materials[ | ]

Treasure Table 720822:

Runes[ | ]

Armor[ | ]

Cloth[ | ]

Upper Body Ic Stormwatch Robe Ic Rare Stormwatch Robe
Lower Body Ic Stormwatch Pants Ic Rare Stormwatch Pants
Shoulders Ic Stormwatch Shoulder Guards Ic Rare Stormwatch Shoulder Guards

Leather[ | ]

Upper Body Ic Sharptooth Settlement Leather Armor Ic Rare Sharptooth Settlement Leather Armor
Lower Body Ic Sharptooth Settlement Leather Pants Ic Rare Sharptooth Settlement Leather Pants
Shoulders Ic Sharptooth Settlement Leather Shoulder Guards Ic Rare Sharptooth Settlement Leather Shoulder Guards

Chain[ | ]

Upper Body Ic Camp at Cape Luna Chainmail Armor Ic Rare Camp at Cape Luna Chainmail Armor
Lower Body Ic Camp at Cape Luna Leg Guards Ic Rare Stormwatch Pants
Shoulders Ic Camp at Cape Luna Chainmail Shoulder Guards Ic Rare Camp at Cape Luna Chainmail Shoulder Guards

Plate[ | ]

Upper Body Ic Halfmoon Camp Plate Armor Ic Rare Halfmoon Camp Plate Armor
Lower Body Ic Halfmoon Camp Leg Guards Ic Rare Halfmoon Camp Leg Guards
Shoulders Ic Halfmoon Camp Plate Shoulder Armor Ic Rare Halfmoon Camp Plate Shoulder Armor

Weapons[ | ]

Weapon Type Normal
Treasure Table # needed
Treasure Table 725571
Dagger Ic Ring Blade of the Scarlet Pass Ic Rare Ring Blade of the Scarlet Pass
Sword Ic Halfmoon Camp Long Sword Ic Rare Halfmoon Camp Long Sword
2-H Sword Ic Camp at Cape Luna Giant Sword Ic Rare Camp at Cape Luna Giant Sword
Axe Ic Stormwatch Wing Axe Ic Rare Stormwatch Wing Axe
2-H Axe Ic Long-handled Axe of Zagrok Ic Rare Long-handled Axe of Zagrok
Hammer Ic Gold Hammer of the Boundless Dunes Ic Rare Gold Hammer of the Boundless Dunes
2-H Hammer Ic Hammer of the Storm Dunes Ic Rare Hammer of the Storm Dunes
Bow Ic Long Bow of the Sickle Moon Path Ic Rare Long Bow of the Sickle Moon Path
Crossbow Ic Hunter's Crossbow of the Sharptooth Settlement Ic Rare Hunter's Crossbow of the Sharptooth Settlement
Wand Ic Staff of the Necropolis Ic Rare Staff of the Necropolis
Staff Ic Staff of the Dream Oasis Ic Rare Staff of the Dream Oasis