Runes of Magic Wiki
ID#: 243241
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Related Quests:This item comes from Bundle of Rags
Bundle of Rags (Object)

Bundle of Rags

Icon - Veiled Mist Harbor Disguise
Veiled Mist Harbor Disguise
Not dropped on PK death
Unique Item
Quest Item
Cannot be sold
Use this disguise to enter Veiled Mist Harbor!
Right-click to use this item.

This item is UNIQUE. You may not possess more than one!

This is VERY important. Do NOT complete [94] Pirate Town until you have done all the other quests here. That way you can use this item to pass safely anywhere you need to go in the Harbor. The moment you complete [94] Pirate Town this item will vanish and the illusion collapses.

Interacting with objects or using a non-combat skill does NOT dispel this disguise, but any combat or combat-skill does.

What is more, this Disguise works with ALL MOBS (even non-humanoid ones) throughout the world so feel free to go walkabout. About the only things that can un-disguise you are combat or Linkdeath. If you are among enemies when you go linkdead, you will return at the same place but without your disguise!

It is strongly advised to ignore the Pirate Island quest series progression for now and leave [94] Pirate Town unfinished as long as you can stand it so you can use this item to move safely. Eventually you will have to finish it, but until then, enjoy the safety! At least do everything you can through the end of Morrlands of Farsitan, then come back to Splitwater Coast and finish this up.

We are waiting on a ruling, but this MAY be considered an exploit. :(
