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Zone Information
Zone ID#208
Continent Candara
Type Instanced Dungeon
Level Range 62
Connecting Zones Silverspring (Varanas City)
World Bosses
Max Players 36
Progress Saved? No
QuestsSeries Mobs Loot Shops ObjectsPOIs

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Harvestable Resources in this Zone

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Varanas Nightmare is a level 62 world instance located in the Lower City West of Varanas. It has three mini-bosses which can be fought in any order, followed by a final fight with Nightmare Androlier. After he has been killed, he will not appear again for an additional eight hours, but the mobs inside Varanas Nightmare can be attacked and killed regardless of the time left on the counter.

History[ | ]

This was originally a level 50 zone intended as a 150-person super-raid. This was never pushed live as any attempt to actually do the fight would crash the server. Later, it was increased to level 62 and reduced to a 36-person raid.

This is the reason that the database includes both level 50 and level 62 versions of the Aoth Sets, but only the level 62 versions remain in-game.

Tactics[ | ]

When it was opened, this instance required around 18 well-equipped players to be done. Due to the level cap currently being 92, the instance can be completed with 2-4 people, with ease. The following is the tactics for this instance as they were executed in Chapter 3, when the instance was opened.

Requirements[ | ]

Recommended level: 62+

  • 130k+ HP buffed
  • 150k+ physical defense buffed

DPS players:

  • 80k HP buffed
  • 70k attack buffed (without cooldowns)


  • 100k+ HP buffed
  • 40k+ Urgent Heal/80k+ Restore Life buffed (without cooldowns)

Raksha Temple diamond mode weapons or better are also required.
You should take at least three tanks for the whole raid and two healers per group. At least one druid in the raid is recommended.

Before Nightmare Androlier[ | ]

The Crevices of Fear[ | ]

Before you can fight the boss, you need to kill some trash. On the way to the destroyed marketplace of Varanas there are six Crevices of Fear, each is guarded by three boss monsters: Cold Nightmare, Corpse Nightmare and Storm Nightmare. After you've killed them, the crevice can be attacked. Bring the crevice to 0% HP. The crevice will recover 300k HP every five seconds, so you will need some decent DPS to bring them down. After it's down, one damage dealer should stay at the crevice. He has to keep the crevice's HP at 0%. Once all crevices have reached this "unstable state", the crevices can be clicked and used to teleport right to the marketplace or Varanas. The damage dealers who stayed at the crevices should use this option.

The Demons of the Marketplace[ | ]

War Illusion, Treacherous Illusion, and Doom Illusion

Before Nightmare Androlier is willing to face you, you need to defeat three illusion demons. Three minibosses will spawn at the marked corners on the marketplace. You have 180 seconds (three minutes) to kill all three of them. If you fail, the instance will reset after a short amount of time. If you fail, just rinse and repeat the previous.

Each miniboss has 10 million HP. The three tanks should each take a boss. Each tank should have a "personal priest" assigned (in terms of single target healing, priests are better than druids). This priest has to follow the tank and heal him while he builds aggro on the boss he's fighting. The damage dealers and the other healers should all be focussing on one of the three bosses at a time. This way each boss dies quickly, making the fight significantly easier.
Each boss has different special skills, so it's recommended that the tanks pull them apart from each other.

First of all you should kill the demon horse, War Illusion. It casts an area fear attack with a very high range.

Next you should kill the gargoyle, Treacherous Illusion. It will drain your mana when you're near him.

Last but not least, you should kill the witch, Doom Illusion. She casts a percentage based area stream attack (similar to Ancalon's area attack). Try to avoid getting hit by this attack. It's really stressful for healers to heal an entire raid that's getting hit by this skill.

The Battle with Nightmare Androlier[ | ]

After killing the three illusion demons, you will see a short cutscene of Sirloth flying above the marketplace. He will summon Nightmare Androlier near the sixth Crevice of Fear.Nightmare Androlier has 43 million HP.

After Nightmare Androlier spawned, you have 600 seconds (ten minutes) to start the encounter. After the countdown reached zero, the instance will be reset. If the countdown is close to zero, just pull Nightmare Androlier and die to reset the timer.

The boss fight has two types of phases.

Phase Type 1: Fighting Androlier[ | ]

During this phase, Nightmare Androlier will cast a 45k area attack over the whole instance every 15 seconds. Also, he has a buff which regenerates 30k HP every second.

His main ability is casting a debuff called "Deadly Nightmare". He casts it every 30 seconds. The debuff will put the affected people in a fear state. When the debuff runs out, the affected people will die. The debuff randomly hits people inside the instance and every person around them, so you have to stay spread out! The initial amount of people who get this debuff depends on how many people are in the instance (also counting people who are not in the group!). The amount equals the amount of people in the instance divided by 12, rounded up. So when there are 14 people in the instance, the initial amount of people who get this debuff is 14 / 12 = 1.17 = 2.

How to remove this debuff: As soon as the encounter begins, every player gets an addition skill called "Friendly Call" in the Extra Action Bar (Alt+1 shortcut by default). This skill can only be used on targets which are affected by the fear. If the skill is cast successfully, the target will get one stack of the buff "Bond of Friendship". When the buff is stacked seven times, the fear will be removed and the player is saved.

The skill has a range of 50 and a cooldown of 4 seconds. So when the fears are spread, you should check as soon as possible who got the debuff and move to this player to use the skill on him. The player who is feared should spam a kneel macro and yell in TeamSpeak that he's feared. With some practice, each player should be able to cast the skill twice on a person.

Coordination is very important here. Always stay spread out, so as few people as possible get hit by the debuff. Decide quickly who you're going to save. Tanks and healers first!

Except for the maintank, everyone should participate in the rescuing. The mainhealers still should keep an eye out for the raid though.

You'll have an infinite amount of time to complete this phase of the fight, so damage on boss is not really important.

Summary[ | ]

  • Androlier casts a 45k area attack over the whole instance every 15 seconds.
  • Androlier heals himself for 30k HP every second.
  • Debuff "Deadly Nightmare": Puts people in a fear state. When it expires, the affected people die.
  • The initial amount of people who get the "Deadly Nightmare" debuff depends on how many people are in the instance.
  • Everyone around the selected people will also get the "Deadly Nightmare" debuff, so stay spread out.
  • Use the extra skill "Friendly Call" (hotkey: alt+1) to stack "Bond of Friendship" on affected players 7 times in order to remove the "Deadly Nightmare" debuff.
  • No time limit for this phase.

Phase Type 2: Fighting the Minions[ | ]

As soon as Nightmare Androlier lost 25% of his HP, he will disappear. Instead, his minions will spawn. At 75%, only one minion spawns. At 50%, two minions will spawn and at 25%, three minions will spawn. Each minion has 4 million HP. During this phase, the raid is also hit by massive area damage. If the minions aren't killed within one minute, they will disappear, Nightmare Androlier will respawn and he will be healed by 25% per remaining add. This means that you really need enough damage in the add phase.

When the adds have been killed (or one minute has passed), Nightmare Androlier jumps back in the fight and another "type 1 phase" will commence.

Minions' Abilities[ | ]

The elemental, Androlier's Outrage:

  • Debuff "Source of Anger": Lowers the physical defense of affected people by 50% for 6 seconds. Also, if your primary or secondary class is not Knight, this will hit you for 50k damage plus a DoT of 4500. The DoT also lasts for 6 seconds.
  • Kill it as soon as possible. The tanks might have trouble surviving if their defense is lowered by 50%.

The ghost, Androlier's Memory:

  • Debuff "Dreadful Memory": Reduces attack speed and casting speed of affected people by 30% for 10 seconds. Also, if you primary or secondary class is not Knight, this will hit you for 50k damage plus a DoT of 4500. The DoT also lasts for 10 seconds.

The armor, Androlier's Obsession:

  • Debuff "Obsession Attack": Lowers the magical damage of affected people by 50% for 10 seconds. Also, if you primary or secondary class is not Knight, this will hit you for 50k damage plus a DoT of 4500. The DoT also lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Attack "Earth Splitting Slash": Heavy frontal area attack with a two-second cast.
  • This minion has to be turned away from the party.

The Final Battle[ | ]

When Nightmare Androlier despawns at 25%, the last "type 2 phase" will start and every player will get a debuff which lasts for two minutes and 30 seconds. When the debuff ends, every player with this debuff will die, so you need to kill Nightmare Androlier before the debuff expires.

First of all, the three minions have to be killed. According to the "type 2 phase" rules, Nightmare Androlier will respawn after one minute and heal himself for 25% HP per remaining minion. That means you only have one minute to kill all three minions. If you fail, you can abort the try already, because there's no way you can bring Nightmare Androlier back to 25% of his HP, kill the three minions and bring Nightmare Androlier down to 0% HP, before the debuff expires.

If you successfully kill the minions in time, Nightmare Androlier will respawn as usual. In this final phase, he has forgotten his fear ability. But don't feel too safe. Instead of fearing the group, he will summon the illusion demons. They race out of their corners towards the raid and will wipe the raid if they aren't caught by the tanks and drawn away from party. The "personal priests" should go with their assigned tanks.

Since the main tank is still focusing on Nightmare Androlier, and you probably brought only three tanks in total, a ranged damage dealer with high HP should take aggro on the witch, Doom Illusion. She has a lot of long casts, which makes it very easy to kite her. A "personal priest" should be assigned to this ranged damage dealer. The Doom Illusion spawns in the north-west corner.

Additionally, some flame fields will spawn all over the marketplace, which cause additional damage to the raid.

In this last phase, only concentrate on preventing the minibosses from reaching the raid and go full damage on Nightmare Androlier: as soon Androlier dies, the illusion demons will despawn and the debuff will be removed.

Summary[ | ]

  • When Nightmare Androlier reaches 25%, the last "type 2 phase" starts and every player will get a 2m30s debuff. When the debuff expires, everyone will die.
  • You have only 1 minute to kill all three adds.
  • When the last "type 1 phase" starts, Androlier won't cast the fear skill anymore. Instead, the 3 illusion demons will be summoned.
  • Each tank should take aggro on an illusion demon. Their "personal priests" should follow them.
  • If you have only 3 tanks in total, a ranged DD with high HP should kite the witch, Doom Illusion, which spawns in the north-west corner. Don't forget to assign a "personal priest" to this guy!
  • Flame fields will spawn over the marketplace.
  • The main tank, the damage dealers and the remaining healers should focus on Androlier only: when he dies, the illusion demons despawn and the debuff is removed.

Additional Information[ | ]

Loot[ | ]

Nightmare Androlier will always drop one item. He can drop a tank shield, a healer shield, a healer talisman, or a piece of the widely sought after Varanas Nightmare accessory set. There are eight different accessory sets. Each set is designed for one of the eight human/elf classes. Nightmare Androlier won't drop Aoth Sets rings. To get the ring for your set, you need to complete one of two quests given to you by Yarandor who is located in the Hall of the Eye of Wisdom.

If you successfully kill Androlier on the first try, an extra treasure chest, Nightmare Box, will spawn. In this chest, you will find one of the eight Aoth Sets capes, which were widely sought after, back in Chapter 3 and 4. Each cape is designed for one of the eight human/elf classes and has a special ability that fits this class. You will mostly find the Aoth Valiance Cape Aoth Valiance Cape, but it's also possible to find other capes.

Follow this link for a full droplist of Nightmare Androlier:
Follow this link for a full droplist of the Nightmare Box:

Quest Items[ | ]

The illusion demons will drop Fear Energy Fragments. These fragments are required for the quest to get the Epic Aoth Sets ring of your choice. This ring is part of the Aoth Sets. The only way to obtain this ring is by completing the quest [62] Assistance in the Research of the Power of Fear and [63] The Enemy's Weapon, and then completing either [63] Revival of an Ancient Mystery or [63] Revival of an Ancient Power. All of these quests are received from Yarandor in the Hall of the Eye of Wisdom.

If you right-click the ring while wearing it, you can remove all fear effects that you're currently suffering from. This ability has a two-minute cooldown. Unfortunately, this ability doesn't work for the fear effect spread by Nightmare Androlier.
