Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki
ID#: 212485
Worth: 3,402Gold 
Recipe ID#: 551435 (RW/Ggl)
Recipe Cost: 10,000Gold 2,000Honor Points 
Recipe Sold by:

This item is created by CarpentryCarpentry (60).

Carpentry (Production)
Portrait - Valiant Longbow

In-game Appearance

Icon - Valiant Longbow
Valiant Longbow
Requires Level 60
Bow Ranged Weapon
Worth: 3,402 Gold
+80 Dexterity
+483 Physical Attack
(Randomly obtain additional attributes)

Recipe - Valiant Longbow Recipe - Valiant Longbow
Requires CarpentryCarpentry level 60
Raw Materials:
Rune Obsidian Ingot Rune Obsidian Ingot ×1
Ancient Spirit Oak Plank Ancient Spirit Oak Plank ×3
Link Rune Link Rune ×1
Fine Arcane Adept Wood Chest Fine Arcane Adept Wood Chest ×1
Fairywood Plank Fairywood Plank ×1
Wolfram Nail Wolfram Nail ×1
Valiant Longbow Valiant Longbow ×1
Crafting Cost: 3,700Gold 

MMO devs frequently change the exact stats on an item, over the life of a game, to improve game balance, making inclusion of exact item stats in a wiki self-defeating. This is the realm of a database, such as RoM-Welten. Our only concerns are where does it come from, how is it used/useful, and how do I get one?

Very few Crafted items have no upgrade path, but this appears to be one of them.
