Runes of Magic Wiki
Shops:See below for Shop display(s)
Usasa Deerhorn
[Alchemy Materials Supplier]
Race (MCT)Rh'anka (Humanoid)
TypeAlchemy Supplies Merchant
LevelNon-Player Character
LocationNorthern Janost Forest / Rh'anka Village
Race - Rh'anka

Race: Rh'anka

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Alchemy (Production)

All Alchemy Supplies merchants sell glassware from Shop ID# 600041.

Alchemy recipes above level 60 do not require glassware but may have a Crafting Cost.
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Shops Available from this NPC

All shops displayed on this mob page will begin as Hidden/Collapsed. This is to limit the information presented so as not to overwhelm you.

Alchemy Supplies 
Icon Small Empty Bottle
Icon Beaker
Icon Alchemy Bottle
Icon Magic Bottle
Icon Philosopher's Egg
Merchants offering this shop can repair One or All of your equipped items
GUID: 600041 (RW)
All Alchemy Supplies merchants sell the same items.
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