Runes of Magic Wiki
[+] Bloody Demon Sword
 [+] Chapter I: Treasure Hunt
  [8] Treasure Hunt
Tag / Questbook: none / Epic - Bloody Demon Sword
Expansion: Ch.I: Rise of the Demon Lord
Icon - Start Quest Start: Lola (Howling Mountains)
Icon - End Quest End: Lola
 XP: 57
 TP: 5
 Gold: 111Gold 

Chapter I: Treasure Hunt This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.
  1. [8][Epic] Treasure Hunt
  2. [8][Epic] Treasure Hunt - Stage 1
  3. [8][Epic] Treasure Hunt - Stage 2
  4. [8][Epic] Treasure Hunt - Stage 3
  5. [8][Epic] Water Dragon - Zanordoth
  6. [8][Epic] Treasure Hunt - Stage 4
  7. [12][Epic] Howling Mountains Biggest Treasure
  8. [12][Epic] Secret Agent Lola
  9. [12][Epic] Lola's Recommendation
Next: Chapter II: Balance of Power
Rise of the Demon Lord

This page refers to content introduced at launch, with Chapter I: Rise of the Demon Lord.



You need to be at least Level 6 to receive this quest.


Listen to Lola explain the rules of the Treasure Hunt.

Goals: * Listen to Lola's instructions

Bloody Demon Sword
Quest Series
Chapter I: Treasure Hunt
Treasure Hunt - Stage 1
  next >>

Are you new to Logar?

This land is one of mystery, adventure, and treasure! There is Moongorge to the east, Dead Tree Cave to the west, Barren Caves to the north, and to the south there's...

Hmm, might be too much information at once. Why don't we play a game to help you get used to the area!

I have buried treasures all over. If you can find them all, then you must be an excellent treasure hunter. Once you've proved your treasure-hunting ability, I will tell you where Howling Mountains's greatest treasure is hidden.

Sometimes children are better at seeing things than adults!

- [Lola]


If you want to play in the Treasure Hunt, you'll have to listen to the rules carefully!

- [Lola]

On Completion

Hehe, this is exciting! I can't wait to start the Treasure Hunt!

- [Lola]


Speak with Lola again and choose the Chat option "Please tell me the rules of the treasure hunt". she will say:

I will give you a piece of brown paper with the clues written on it. Look after it!

Each buried item you bring me, I will write on the brown paper a clue which will help you find the Greatest Treasure. When you have collected all the clues, the location of the Logar's greatest treasure will be obvious!
- [Lola]

This will complete the quest.
