Runes of Magic Wiki
[+] Varanas City
 [+] Peerston Farm
  [10] To Peerston
Tag / Questbook: / Varanas City
Icon - Start Quest Start: Mise
Related Titles:
Icon - End Quest End: Theron

King Kobold Revived This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.
  1. [10] Driving Off the Kobolds
  2. [10] Carphil's Report
  3. [10] To Peerston
  4. [12] Report on the Kobold Situation
  5. [15] Find the Lost Guard
  6. [15] Rescue the Captured Guard
  7. [15] The Lost Guard's Message
  8. [15] Seek Pan's Help
  9. [15] Gathering Kobold Poison
  10. [15] Collecting Ingredients
  11. [15] Use the Antidote
  12. [16][Group] Killing the Kobold Leader
  13. [1] Kobold Leader's Plans


You need to be at least Level 8 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 2 to turn-in this quest.


Submit the Guard Report to Theron, captain of the guard company at Peerston Farm.

Goals: * Guard Report

Carphil's Report
Varanas City
Quest Series
Peerston Farm
Report on the Kobold Situation
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OK, the report is ready.

But the messenger heading to the Garrison has already left... If we submit it late, we will certainly be punished by the captain.

So... Can you take the report for us? Just give it to our leader Theron in Peerston Farm. It is very close, actually. Just walk east along the road. It will turn north after you pass the gate of Varanas. Walk for a while and when you come to a crossroad, our team member Laurana will be there waiting for you. Take the road to the east and you will arrive at Peerston Farm.

Thank you so much!

- Mise, Varanas Guard

On Completion

The soldiers assigned to patrol the southwestern road finally submitted their report? Wait a sec while I take a look...

Ah! I didn;t realize the Kobolds have been so active lately... That's unusual. This must be investigated...

Oh yes, that you for bringing me this report! Why don't you take a brief break and look around the farm?

- Theron, Captain of the first company of the Guard of Varanas


  • Experience: 144
  • TP: 14
  • Money: 302


Carphil's Report
Report on the Kobold Situation
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