Spoiler Alert! We have hidden this information so that you have the choice to try it on your own, or have the advantage of knowing how the sausage is made...
Adam's Problems is unlocked by [88] Here and No Further in the Pirate Island quest series. The repeatables are not available until you complete all 3 main quests from Adam. The High Quality Rum is in the Exquisite Ceremonial Chest right next to Adam Adamson.
At level (as an 88/100 Druid/Warden) I found the battle with an 88 Black Nest Gazelle as long and hard, with much healing required. ymmv. One positive note: Despite how it appears, the Black Nest Gazelle does not automatically add if you pull the Small Black Nest Gazelle.
The Quest Items required by this quest can be stockpiled for later use.
Daily Quests are repeatable up to a total (for all Daily Quests) of 10 times per day. The count can be reset to zero by purchasing and using a Daily Quest Ticket from the Item Shop (for 39 ($1.16)† ) or from any Phirius Merchant (for 780 ).
In all other zones they do not reward XP, TP or Gold, only Public Event Points. In all other aspects they are the same as a Daily Quest (except for the infinitely repeatable part and the rewards). Public Event Points contribute towards the completion of Regional Quest objectives, which in turn rewards a number of Energy of Justice commensurate with your amount of participation in the Regional event.
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