Spoiler Alert! We have some more information about how to perform this quest but recognize you might want to try it on your own before we tell you the secret...
Sayafiz says, "So annoying, you old fire dragon!" Patkelos says, "Ahhh!" Sayafiz says, "It's pathetic...Patkelos, you didn't even notice a bit weirdness on Bankelemos." Patkelos says, "Spew!" (Patkelos spits a mouth full of blood to the ground) Patkelos says, "Child, we have unfinished business...for Kadmos..." Sayafiz says, "You're overreacting! I just want to have good use of his strength." Patkelos says, "You?!" Sayafiz says, "Fine...I will let you meet him now. Are you happy about that?" Jill arrives with the King Sayafiz says, "Damn! You again! Don't you want to stop me!" Callaway Kalume says, "Purify! Sayafiz!" Sayafiz says, "You...! Ah..." Bankelemos says, "I am too careless...I didn't know that the disappearance of Sayafiz before was just a trick!" Bankelemos says, "Thank you, Callaway Kalume ... the power of Sayafiz has suffered greatly. I should be able to control her." Patkelos says, "What time is it! Bankelemos! Can you just kill that annoying girl?"
Bankelemos says, "No. It's not the time now. I want to save my strength for dealing with the King of the Fires. I also have a back-up plan."
Crogg Sharptooth [Supreme Knight] is standing at the exit from the top of the Tower to give you the next quest.