Runes of Magic Wiki
Quest Diad
[+] Kashaylan
 [+] Kidd's Grave
Tag / Questbook: z30-Kashaylan / Kashaylan
Expansion: Patch 6.3.0
Icon - Start Quest Start: Arwen Gelf (RW/Ggl) @ Kidd's Grave (Kashaylan)
Related Mobs:
Icon - End Quest End: Arwen Gelf (RW/Ggl) @ Kidd's Grave
[92] The Archenemy
 XP: 3,146,800
 TP: 314,680
 Gold: 52,257Gold 

[91][Daily] The Archenemy
 XP: 635,168
 TP: 63,516
 Gold: 48,146Gold 
You will receive:

  • Min Level: 90
  • Turn-in: 84

  • Min Level: 89
  • Turn-in: 83


All quest groups (diads or triads) start with the Main, non-repeatable quest, which unlocks the repeatable quests.

MainPrevent Sismond from escaping
Dailysame as Main

Burying Evil (RW/Ggl)
Quest Series
Kidd's Grave
Icon - The End
<< previous  

About Daily Quests

Daily Quests are repeatable up to a total (for all Daily Quests) of 10 times per day. The count can be reset to zero by purchasing and using a Daily Quest Ticket Daily Quest Ticket from the Item Shop (for 39Diamonds ($1.16) ) or from any Phirius Merchant (for 780Phirius Token Coins ).

You can add to your XP and/or TP gain by using one or more Leveling Potions such as a Dual-Function Daily Quest Potion Dual-Function Daily Quest Potion.

During an XP/TP boost weekend, be sure to stock up on Daily Quest Tickets Daily Quest Tickets and use them in conjunction with a Dual-Function Daily Quest Potions Dual-Function Daily Quest Potions to turbocharge your XP/TP gain! In some zones you will find quest items that can be farmed and stored. This allows you to pop a Leveling Potioon and turn-in mass quantities of Daily Quests in a very short time. Watch for Quest Items that say they are stockable/can be stockpiled.

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The portal to confront Sismond will not open until you have completed The Return, the final quest in the Pirate Island quest series

Enter the portal and prevent Sismond from breaking the seal.

Once inside, attack the Energy Storage Rune. This will cause many more Energy Storage Runes to appear. They have 4.7 million HP so you will need a party at least. This place deals a lot of area damage so you will also need good heals. You must smack and destroy them as fast as you can to keep Sismond's energy levels down. Miss one and be prepared to be smote mightily.

Fail and you will revive just outside Balu Village but your tombstone will be just inside Kidd's Grave.

It seems that it is not possible to solo this, as you really need to smack more than one Energy Storage Rune at a time, but Ancientgear (Erebos server) assures me that it can be done.

Once you have defeated Sismond, you may loot the Energy Storage Rune for your rewards.

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