Runes of Magic Wiki

Most mobs in Tergothen Bay can drop any of the following items, in addition to Health Potions, Mana Potions, Ammunition, Production Runes, and Festival Items. Usually this is Common and Normal items, but may also include a few Good items.

Consumables[ | ]

Those consumables that drop within a zone are usually for sale by at least one merchant in that zone.

  • item name needed (l)
  • item name needed (l)

Potion Merchants:

Ammunition[ | ]

Ammunition that drops within a zone are usually for sale by at least one merchant in that zone.

General Merchants:

Armor[ | ]

Normal armor is level 68, while Good armor is level 69.

Cloth[ | ]

Tergothen Bay - Cloth - Female

Cloth Armor

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders Shoulder Guards of the Beach Rare Shoulder Guards of the Beach
Upper Body Robe of the Beach Robe of the Beach Rare Robe of the Beach
Belt Belt of the Beach Rare Belt of the Beach

Leather[ | ]

Tergothen Bay - Leather - Female

Leather Armor

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders Shadowtrooper's Shoulder Armor Rare Shadowtrooper's Shoulder Armor
Upper Body Shadowtrooper's Leather Coat Rare Shadowtrooper's Leather Coat
Lower Body Shadowtrooper's Leg Guards Rare Shadowtrooper's Leg Guards

Chain[ | ]

Tergothen Bay - Chain - Male

Chain Armor

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders Shoulder Guards of the Coast Rare Shoulder Guards of the Coast
Upper Body Chain Armor of the Coast Rare Chain Armor of the Coast
Lower Body Leg Guards of the Coast Rare Leg Guards of the Coast

Plate[ | ]

Tergothen Bay - Plate - Male

Plate Armor

Slot Normal Good
Shoulders Plate Shoulders of the Ruins Rare Plate Shoulders of the Ruins
Upper Body Plate Armor of the Ruins Rare Plate Armor of the Ruins
Lower Body Plate Leggings of the Ruins Rare Plate Leggings of the Ruins

Weapons[ | ]

Type Normal Good
Dagger Blade of the Beach Blade of the Beach Rare Blade of the Beach Rare Blade of the Beach
Sword Shadowtrooper's Short Sword Rare Shadowtrooper's Short Sword
2-H Sword Two-handed Sword of the Ruins Rare Two-handed Sword of the Ruins
Hammer Shadowtrooper's Hammer Rare Shadowtrooper's Hammer
2-H Hammer Huge Hammer of the Beach Rare Huge Hammer of the Beach
Axe Hand Axe of the Kingdom Hand Axe of the Kingdom Rare Hand Axe of the Kingdom
2-H Axe Axe of the Coast Rare Axe of the Coast
Bow Bow of the Ruins Rare Bow of the Ruins
Crossbow Giant Crossbow of the Kingdom Rare Giant Crossbow of the Kingdom
Wand Rod of the Beach
Rod of the Kingdom
Rare Rod of the Beach
Rare Rod of the Kingdom
Staff Staff of the Ruins Rare Staff of the Ruins
Shield Wall of the Kingdom Wall of the Kingdom
Talisman item name needed item name needed

† Reward from [68] Torag Caravan Seagulls

Accessories[ | ]

Type Normal Good
Ring item name needed item name needed
Earring item name needed item name needed
Necklace Trap of the Ruins (Sta)
Curse of the Ruins (Max HP)
item name needed