Runes of Magic Wiki
Reward From:
Icon - Tatasha's Fortune
Tatasha's Fortune
Not dropped on PK death
Cannot be sold
see below

There are 10 different fortunes you can receive from the listed quests.

They have no further use, no value, and are not removed when the quest completes. Feel free to discard these items after quest completion.. You will receive 4 of the listed 10 fortunes.

When doing these quests most recently, I got number 4, 8, 6, and 6 (I got #6 twice).

Fortune I[ | ]

You will feel danger all around and a great hand coming from behind will cover your mouth making you unable to speak. (RW/Ggl)

Fortune II[ | ]

Claws will scratch deep cuts into your flesh and your body bathe in its own blood. (RW/Ggl)

Fortune III[ | ]

With no reason apparent you will feel extreme dizziness causing you to lose direction and control. (RW/Ggl)

Fortune IV[ | ]

A pair of eyes will stare at you from the dark so that feelings of pressure and fear will well up in you. (RW/Ggl)

Fortune V[ | ]

Beware of the living ones. Any action may leave you at your wits' end lost in the middle of chaos. (RW/Ggl)

Fortune VI[ | ]

A body out of control and a body with no movement are just as bad as the other. (RW/Ggl)

Fortune VII[ | ]

Dancing with an ice witch will cause your body to stiffen from the cold. (RW/Ggl)

Fortune VIII[ | ]

The bad fate of eating beef with a minotaur will make this meal a cursed one. (RW/Ggl)

Fortune IX[ | ]

A certain person's love for you will enter your veins just like a poison. (RW/Ggl)

Fortune X[ | ]

You will fall asleep and be awakened by a kiss - a kiss from a monster. (RW/Ggl)
