Runes of Magic Wiki
Map - Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep

Map of Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep

Legacy of the Soulless

This page refers to content introduced in the expansion, Chapter VII: Legacy of the Soulless.

Sun Temple Hard Mode
Zone Information
Zone ID#186
Continent Shataem Archipelago
Type Instanced Dungeon
Expansion Ch.VII: Legacy of the Soulless
Level Range 98
Connecting Zones Enoch
Max Players 6-12
Progress Saved? No
Easy Mode Available
Hard Mode Available
Quests Mobs Loot Shops Objects

Best route from Varanas to Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep: Via Snoop Portal, go to Splitwater Coast, then Moorlands of Farsitan. Now, run to the portal at Mularan Barrage to get to Tasuq. Portal to Gray Citadel, then finally to Enoch via the Enoch Transport Portal or Snoop Portal to Nebula Woods Camp. Now, run south through Southern Nebula Woods and Veiled Forest to Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep

Please see Instance List for a table of all Instances, by the zone they are found in, and the quests that are involved with them.


Harvestable Resources in this Zone

Please see Category:Resource Node (Object Type) for a complete list of all Harvestable Resources.

Due to problems, this instance was closed shortly after Enoch went live, but was finally opened on 2/22/2018 with Patch

Minimum Requirements[ | ]

Unless you can interrupt Idolquake Idolquake from Golem, all players will need at least 150k HP to ride out the first boss' AE attack.

Everyone needs more than 120k HP in order to survive the Darkfang fight.

Trash Mobs[ | ]

Level 103 Elite

All Trash mobs have the following Drop Chances:

Bosses[ | ]

# Boss Name Ancient Mementos
 Easy Normal Hard 
1Golem Guardian114274
3Nex of Enoch174696
5Kadnis (SToES)2550121
Totals 86 230 483

Boss Drop Chances[ | ]

Golem Guardian

Golem Guardian

Golem Guardian

Golem Guardian (103 Crown Elite)

Description: Boss deals damage to furthest player that is in combat within instance and within line of sight. The boss also throws cogwheels on players dealing % damage thorough the fight, each cogwheel reduces boss damage shield stacks by 2 (sometimes it bugs and reduces only 1), if all the stacks of the damageshield are removed, it will reappear at 10 stacks after 30 seconds. Best to keep the damage shield at 2 stacks (or 20% dmg reduction) thorough the fight.

Having Shadows on is incredibly helpful to see where the pillars fall.

As for Golem Guardian not taking damage, this is true, he won't take damage at all during ANY phase though the Golem Guardian will throw gears down periodically throughout the fight, players will have to click on them and get an action skill (Alt+1) to throw it at the boss or (Alt+2) to drop it each throw at the boss will generate a lot of aggro, so its best that the tank does the first one, and 2nd if possible it will remove 2 stacks of armor from the boss, unless they are used too quickly back to back in which case the 2nd one used will only remove 1 stack the boss has 10 stacks of armor, and these will reset if he goes down to 0 so the best place to leave the boss is at 1 or 2 stacks of that debuff.

Phase 1: Golem Guardian attacks highest threat target and takes damage, occasionally casts Idolquake Idolquake which needs to be interrupted or everyone within line of sight takes 150k static damage. Pillars spawn thorough this phase and stop when Phase 2 begins.

Phase 2: Golem Guardian seemingly takes damage that reads in combat log, but this damage is not actually applied to the boss. When the phase begins, boss will flip a coin on whether it will a) use an AoE that pulses for ~30 seconds for ~20% player health per tick, and is blocked by breaking line of sight to the boss, the pillars that spawned during the earlier phase act towards this purpose. b) casts Gravel Attack Gravel Attack: causes the pillars to explode within ~10 meters radius, killing or dealing massive damage to anyone standing too close to them.

after Phase 2 is over, Phase 1 begins again.

guid 109496 (RW/Ggl) 109491 (RW/Ggl) 109486 (RW/Ggl)
Hitpoints 20,321,848 HP 106,902,638 HP 501,091,597 HP
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos 11 42 74




Darkfang (103 Crown Elite)

the boss is burstable, and he has a frontal attack so the tank should turn the boss, and the DPS should stand to the side.

Boss deals periodic AoE that hits everyone in the boss room for 120k damage, so every player should have over this amount of health when engaging the boss.

Periodically thorough the fight the boss will cast a targeted AoE on a player, that player should run out of the group. There is also "wrain" AoE on the fight spawning in random areas of the room which deals ticking damage to people standing in it (move out of bad stuff)

The boss also has frontal Moon Cleave Moon Cleave, so it needs to be tanked so that it is not facing the raid-group, we had the tank run in first, quickly turn the boss and the raid stacking behind the boss on top of the healers, if rain lands on the raid group, everyone moves out in unison, people that get targeted by the boss for the aoe run either left or right of the raid-group.

guid 109497 (RW/Ggl) 109492 (RW/Ggl) 109487 (RW/Ggl)
Hitpoints 20,295,141 HP 201,664,956 HP 704,298,359 HP
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos 13 44 84

Nex of Enoch

Nex of Enoch

Nex of Enoch

Nex of Enoch (103 Crown Elite)

The boss has only 1 phase, thorough the fight mushrooms spawn around the room that pulsate a stacking damage, attack and cast speed reducing debuff to players next to them and dealing minor damage. After a certain period of time, the boss will explode all mushrooms still remaining in the room, and each mushroom will deal damage to everyone within line of sight of them, players should aim to kill the mushrooms before this happens either carefully managing the debuff by not letting it stack too high, or having ranged players do the mushroom killing.

The explosion can be blocked by breaking line of sight to the mushrooms, but there are no crevices where this can be achieved inside the boss room, some players have found it enticing to lure the boss outside of it's designated room. The boss also has a stacking buff that increases the it's melee damage, making it one of the harder hitting bosses in the instance as time goes on. comment1:


guid 109499 (RW/Ggl) 109494 (RW/Ggl) 109489 (RW/Ggl)
Hitpoints 20,295,141 HP 201,664,956 HP 605,880,630 HP
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos 20 48 108



Sunlight (103 Crown Elite)

he boss is stationary in the middle of the room, if there is no one in the bosses melee range, it will only use medium strength ranged attacks. Also the boss will always attempt to hit the highest threat target, even if they are not next to the boss, making a ranged tank preferrable. Different color orbs spawn in sets of 1, 2, 4 or 6 thorough the fight and disappear eventually, making room for new orbs to spawn. Each orb does different things when they reach the boss (idr what red did but it's mostly irrelevant), purple increases boss physical and magical defense, green and yellow heal the boss. The orbs do similar but opposite effects when they are near players, debuffing movement speed, physical defense or dealing damage to players.

Part from being differentiated by color, the orbs differentiate also in their manner of movement, the orbs either fixate on a player, following them around for an undetermined amount of time - or follow a fixed pattern zigzagging around the room. Orbs of any color may move in either of the patterns described. All players in the fight should remove their pets, as the orbs may fixate on pets as well, making it impossible to get them out of the bosses melee range.

The orbs zigzagging around the room should be identified and stunned or rooted when they are next to walls of the boss room.

guid 109499 (RW/Ggl) 109494 (RW/Ggl) 109489 (RW/Ggl)
Hitpoints 20,295,141 HP 201,664,956 HP 605,880,630 HP
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos 20 48 108

Kadnis (SToES)

Kadnis (SToES)

Kadnis (SToES)

Kadnis (SToES) (103 Crown Elite)

oh boy, this boss is bit harder to explain. The disgram, below, is a very rough sketch of the fight withthe names of my guildmates. Succubus, Dicit, and Giotto are our healers. Huge and Kartroxx are tanks, The rest are DPS and Support.

Kadnis Fight Diagram

Stub We will eventually re-draw this diagram with party roles instead of player names.

now disregard the fact that that layout looks a little like a bunghole being stretched out - there are lazers coming from either side of the room, moving to the opposite side, the boss does a debuff that deals 26% of player health per tick (it ticks once per second) for 10 seconds to the player on the receiving end of this debuff and everyone around them the debuff is called spread and it is applied thorough the fight, it can also land on pets. usually this is not a problem though, as it is tanked on a different side as where the pets are the boss periodically casts an aoe that deals 250k damage to everyone within a range of (whatever the range of the flame spell is on a mage warlock minus 5% (meaning you can stand at the very edge of your flame cast) the boss is challenging to be tanked on champions, as the little fucks that spawn around the room from the spores that the boss is also spawning periodically in random directions apply a debuff that reduces player strength by -80% meaning champions with high strength in Shieldform will quickly drop to max 100k hp if that's where their health is based. lasers can be jumped over or avoided when they don't cover the entire room (there are some lasers that do, so it's important to learn to jump over them) but, right, players with spread can kill the tank, no1 should be next to the tank at any point in the fight the tank should be stationary other than to jump over the lazers

(preferably on the middle of the room (cue butthole pic, healers are succubus, dicit and giotto, tank would be in between kartroxx and huge), so that players can spread around the boss in order to kill the spores and to be within reach of healers)

guid 109500 (RW/Ggl) 109495 (RW/Ggl) 109490 (RW/Ggl)
Hitpoints 20,295,141 HP 201,664,956 HP 802,716,088 HP
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos 25 50 121

Thank You! The Runes of Magic Wiki would like to thank Cherry for Initial Strategy information.
Thank You! The Runes of Magic Wiki would like to thank Jimbo for Strategy refinements.