Main Quest Page: Sting Like a Bee
Yinnsha Quthaf
This page refers to content introduced in the expansion, Chapter VII: Legacy of the Soulless.
Help Yinnsha Quthaf by harvesting some Bee Stingers from the Toxic Lowland Bees in the Secluded Bay.
All quest groups (diads or triads) start with the Main, non-repeatable quest, which unlocks the repeatable quests.
During an XP/TP boost weekend, be sure to stock up on Daily Quest Tickets and use them in conjunction with a Dual-Function Daily Quest Potions to turbocharge your XP/TP gain! In some zones you will find quest items that can be farmed and stored. This allows you to pop a Leveling Potioon and turn-in mass quantities of Daily Quests in a very short time. Watch for Quest Items that say they are stockable/can be stockpiled.
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