Runes of Magic Wiki
Strengthening Sigil
Strengthening Sigil Skill - Strengthening Sigil
Increases power of physical attack, magical attack, and movement speed by 50%.
Typeunknown Effect type
Other Information
Duration1 minute
Use ConditionPvP Arenas Only
Database ID#502874
Strengthening Sigil

In-game appearance

For more information, see Sigil.

Icon Sigil Name Effect
Combat Sigils (buffgroup 47)
AttackSigil Attack Sigil sword
Increases power of physical attacks by 50% and physical damage by 20% for 2 minutes.
MagicAttackSigil Magic Attack Sigil staff
Raises magical attack by 50% and magic power by 20.0% for 2 minutes.
DefenseSigil Defense Sigil green shield
Raises physical defense by 30.0% for 2 minutes.
MagicDefSigil Magic Defense Sigil blue shield
Increases magical defense by 30.0% for 2 minutes.
Icon Strengthening Sigil sword in PvP Arenas only
Increases power of physical attack, magical attack, and movement speed by 50% for 1 minute.
SpeedSigil Speed Sigil boot in PvP Arenas only
Increases movement speed by 50% for 1 minute.

Only one of these Sigils may be used at the same time. If you add a newer Sigil it will overwrite the older Sigil.
