Runes of Magic Wiki
[+] Envoy of the Dragons
 [+] Zanka's Dune
  [61] Start From the Core
Quest ID# 423517
Tag / Questbook: z18-LimoDesert / Envoy of the Dragons
Icon - Start Quest Start: Louis Dell @ Zanka's Dune ( 50.3, 61.6 ) (Limo Desert)
Related Mobs:
Related Items:
Icon - End Quest End: Louis Dell @ Zanka's Dune ( 50.3, 61.6 )
 XP: 488,604
 TP: 48,860
 Gold: 11,004Gold 
You will receive:
Louis Dell

Louis Dell

You need to be at least Level 59 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 53 to turn-in this quest.

Summary looks like it was for nothing. These materials refer to the new Zanka experiment, and a portion are related to the ancient dragon king. you want to see?


Oh...You say you're PLAYERNAME?

I know you! I heard that you were key in saving Master from pain. I'm so glad to get the chance to work with you!

I've been inside the Hand of Truth for a while, and your name is just as well known there! However, it's not such a good reputation with them!

Come! Here, results of secret experiments, upcoming research, and communication with superiors is taken care of by a few senior researchers.

They sometimes contact a group of Soulless Soldiers who are chasing my master...

Right now, they're meeting near the stone bridge. I want you to go there and eliminate Guy Reid, Saar Warf, and Sonny Hiray, and take their work logs. I believe these work lo


Spoiler Alert!
We have some more information about how to perform this quest but recognize you might want to try it on your own before we tell you the secret...
Kill Guy Reid, Saar Warf, and Sonny Hiray.

All three may be single pulled but you will have to fight at least a couple of Soulless Soldiers to get behind them. There are also 2 Soulless Warriors in the area.

After getting all 3 books, you can call your mount and train back to Louis. Run to his side and your train should break just before they reach you.

Note: Reading all three books does nothing except provide some lore about Fernando Cosmo and Zanka's Dune. They do not start quests.


Spoiler Alert!
The game provides some further information that may, or may not, actually help...
Perhaps the work logs of Guy Reid, Saar Warf, and Sonny Hiray will have some pertinent information. This is all for my beloved master...


Spoiler Alert!
This text may, or may not, contain information about future tasks or game lore... looks like it was for nothing. These materials refer to the new [116224

Meet Louis (RW/Ggl)
Envoy of the Dragons
Quest Series
Zanka's Dune
Preparing to Disrupt the Experiment
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Spoiler Alert!
The Three Work Logs
Guy's Work Log text

Guy's Work Log

Saar's Work Log text

Saar's Work Log

Sonny's Work Log text

Sonny's Work Log
