This page refers to content introduced in the expansion, Chapter III: The Elder Kingdoms. |
by Zone | Quests | Mobs | POIs | Objects |
Some NPCs in this zone will refuse to speak to you until you reach 57, while others are happy to speak with you as low as 55.
Daily Quests[ | ]
All Dailies in this zone require a minimum level of 56 to receive them, 58 is the level of the quest, and they become gray at 68.
Level | Quest | Ending NPC | Start Location | Needs | XP |
58 | Sharptooth Meat Preparation | Agnes Bojar | Kandor | Sharptooth Meat ×10 from Janost Sharpteeth | 122,793 |
58 | Misty Grove's White Zoysia | Agnes Bojar | Kandor | White Zoysia ×10 | 122,793 |
58 | Fishing | Agnes Bojar | Kandor | Reed Fish ×10 using Fishing Rod in Lake Kandor | 122,793 |
58 | The Staple Food is Kado Taro | Agnes Bojar | Kandor | Kado Taros ×10 from Kado Taro plats | 122,793 |
58 | Hard Shells | Bulica Weir | Misty Grove | Boneface Beetle Shell ×5 from Grinning Beetles | 122,793 |
58 | The Unbearable Attack | Lorcus Laith | Misty Grove | Tooth Necklace ×10 from Rh'anka | 122,793 |
58 | Scattered Timber | Lorcus Laith | Misty Grove | Misty Grove Timber ×10 | 122,793 |
58 1/day |
Expensive Leather Clothes | George Vuitton | Shador | Javias Scale ×10 from Javias | 122,793 |
58 1/day |
Recipe for Jasmini No.5 | Jasmini Yell | Shador | Chupura Herb ×10 from Blood Clawed Chupuras | 122,793 |
58 1/day |
Deadly Poison | Saleen Keenan | Shador | Poisonous Rotworm Acid ×10 from Poisonous Rotworms | 122,793 |
58 | Magnork Gold Coins | Antil Jan | Tomb Researchers' Camp | Old Gold Coins ×10 from Tomb Robbers | 122,793 |
58 | The Lost Kingdom | Nicole Oliverra | Tomb Researchers' Camp | Old Handicraft ×10 from Handicraft inside Alimus' Tomb | 122,793 |
58 | Graverobber's Punishment | Nicole Oliverra | Tomb Researchers' Camp | Kill 10 Tomb Robbers | 122,793 |
58 | Get Rid of Even More Disgusting Insects | Nanny Maria | Ruin Researchers' Camp | Sigg Lurker's Foreleg ×5 from Sigg Lurkers | 122,793 |
58 | More Clothes Lines | Nanny Maria | Ruin Researchers' Camp | Common Vine ×5 from Wandering Vines | 122,793 |
58 | Even More Lavender Sprigs | Nanny Maria | Ruin Researchers' Camp | Lavender Sprig ×5 from Man-eating Plants | 122,793 |
58 | Heartless Demons | Dispirited Tom | Warnorken Castle | Bloodied Badge ×10 from Warnorken Soldiers | 122,793 |
58 | Redemption | Dispirited Tom | Warnorken Castle | Burn 10 Victim's Corpses and defeat the Revenant of a Killed Person (if one rises) | 122,793 |
58 | Rescue | Dispirited Tom | Warnorken Castle | Get Bloodstained Key from Warnorken Security Officers and rescue 10 Prisoners | 122,793 |
Multi-Zone Quest Series[ | ]
- Envoy of the Dragons quest series
- Return the Glory quest series
Regional Events[ | ]
The Militia of Kandor have started to gather again.
They're waiting for their chance...
- [Regional] Explore the Ruins of Bymorsh
- Rewards Public Event Points which, in turn, rewards Ancient Mementos when the event ends.
Titles[ | ]
- Shador's Hope [new] - complete Southern Janost Forest
- Dispeller of Beast Rumours [new] - complete Interrogate
- A King's Trust [new] - complete Fear Remains
- Callaway's Comrade [new] - complete Callaway's Realization
- Emir's Antagonist [new] - complete Investigation Interrupted
- Keeper of the Secret [new] - complete Kyle's Confession
- Morrok's Companion [new] - complete A Brief Respite
Complete all above SJF Titles: Forest Crisis Rescuer
Quests by POI[ | ]
Arde Camp[ | ]
by POI | Quests | Mobs |
Raffy [Stargazer] • Kukry • Dachacha Mantiswing
- You must be at least level 57 to receive these quests
- [59] A Friendly Message - quest 1 of 3 in Quest Chain started in Southern Janost Forest quest series - Carry a message to Kukry in Northern Janost Forest at Angren
- The 2nd and 3rd quests are in the Northern Janost Forest quest series
Shador[ | ]
by POI | Quests | Mobs |
Jasmini Yell [Perfume Merchant]
- [58][Daily] Recipe for Jasmini No.5 - Get Chupura Herb ×10 in Chupura Valley
George Vuitton [High-Class Leather Merchant]
- [58][Daily] Expensive Leather Clothes - Get Javias Scale ×10 from Javias' in Chupura Valley
Saleen Keenan [Poison Merchant]
- [58][Daily] Deadly Poison - Get Poisonous Rotworm Acid ×10 from Poisonous Rotworms in Chupura Valley
Namoc Keyr
- [57] Unrequited Love - Talk to Felicia Attik
- [57] The Language of Flowers - Pick a Linguapectoris for Felicia Attik, speak to her and return
- [57] Linguapectoris - Present the Petal of a Linguapectoris to Felicia Attik
- [57] Journey Preparations - Fetch four items for Namoc Keyr
- [57][Solo] Endor's Lesson - Teach Endor a lesson for Endor's Mortal Enemy
- [57][Solo] Contemptible Competition - Defeat Zadek and Jannis Tarng (58 Elite) for Mean Competitor
- [57][Solo] Defeat Sharakan - Teach Sharakan a lesson for Bullied Noble
- [57] Felicia's Gift - Talk to Felicia Attik
Watchtower Maintenance Worker - unlocked by completing Follow Firefly's Footsteps in the Return the Glory quest series
- [57] Watchtower Maintenance - Get Tough Snakeskin ×10 (from Javias in Chupura Valley) and Hard Ore ×10 (from Janost Ore found just outside Shador and around Acklorn)
Acklorn[ | ]
Services |
by POI | Quests | Mobs |
These three quests are actually the fourth through seventh quests in a chain that starts at the Tomb Researchers' Camp
Acklorn Resident • Old Acklorn Chief • Ellena [Ed Family Maid] (in Shador with Bell Ed [Survivor])
- [57] Painful Memories - Learn more Ed family history in Acklorn
- [57] Violent Truth - Talk to the town residents
- [57][Group] Blood Debt - Kill the World Boss Blind Hackman at Alimus' Tomb
- [57] Forgotten Memories - Read Bell's Notes to learn more about Blind Hackman
Kandor[ | ]
Services |
by POI | Quests | Mobs |
Agnes Bojar [Provisoins Manager]
- [58][Daily] The Staple Food Is Kado Taro - Get Kado Taro ×10 from Kado Taro around Kandor
- [58][Daily] Misty Grove's White Zoysia - Get White Zoysia ×10 from White Zoysia in Misty Grove
- [58][Daily] Fishing - Get Reed Fish ×10 by fishing the Reed Fish around Lake Kandor
- [58][Daily] Sharptooth Meat Preparation - Get Sharptooth Meat ×10 from Janost Sharptooth
Skinny Villager
- [57] Thin Villager - Get Water Radish ×6 (from Water Radish) and Pango Ribs ×10 (from Janost Pango)
- Each Janost Pango drops Pango Ribs ×2
Pious Villager
- [57] Lakeside Sacrum - Get Statue Remains ×10 from Statue Remains at Lake Kandor
Kandor Logging Camp[ | ]
Services |
by POI | Quests | Mobs |
Lorcus Laith [Timber Merchant]
- [58][Daily] Scattered Timber - Get Misty Grove Timber from Scattered Wood in the Misty Grove
- [58][Daily] The Unbearable Attack - Get Tooth Necklace ×10 from Rh'anka in the Misty Grove
Bulica Weir [Militia Captain]
- [58][Daily] Hard Shells - Get Boneface Beetle Shell ×10 from Boneface Beetles
Logan Kaedir [Overseer]
- [57] The Overseer's Special Equipment - Find three items in Misty Grove (Observation Diary, Temperature Gauge Stone (from Misty Rh'anka Scout), and Eagle Eye Stone)
- [57] Inspection of the Woodlands - Protect Scott Jethro as he inspects Misty Grove
Woodcutting Foreman
- [57] Forever Growing - Use the Sapling ×5 you are given to plant a healthy sapling in a Soft Mound
- [57] Clearing the Pests, It's Everyone's Responsibility - Kill 10 Misty Rotworms
- [57] Wandering Chupura - Get Stinky Pango Rib ×10, from Janost Pango, to make a Meat Skewer to lure out and kill the Sly Chupura
Misty Grove[ | ]
by POI | Quests | Mobs |
Chupura Valley[ | ]
by POI | Quests | Mobs |
Warnorken Castle[ | ]
by POI | Quests | Mobs |
Warnorken Arena[ | ]
by Zone | Quests | Mobs | POIs | Objects |
Warnorken Arena is an Instanced Dungeon.
Mofila von Jura • Otis Pele
- [58] Warnorken Arena - Hide behind the cells and listen to the Warnorken Elite Guard
- [58] That Which Cannot be Seen - Allow Otis Pele to speak
- [58][Group] "Great Gladiator" Mukhan - Challenge Great Gladiator Mukhan
- [58] After the Expedition - Talk to Otis Pele
- [58] Deeply Hidden Secret - Observe the message that Otis Pele wants to give Mofila von Jura
- [58] Cremation, RIP - Use the Cremation Fire to incinerate Otis Pele's remains
Tomb Researchers' Camp[ | ]
Services |
by POI | Quests | Mobs |
Acklorn quest chain (unlocked by [58] The Promise in the Return the Glory quest series):
Nica Robinson • Ankah Jones • Ellena • Acklorn Resident • Old Acklorn Chief
- [57] Tomb Robber - Get Alimus' Relics
- [57] Doubt - Get the Ancient Bracelet from Ankah Jones in Shador
- [57] A Family Heirloom - Find Bell Ed
- [57] Painful Memories - Learn more Ed family history in Acklorn
- [57] Violent Truth - Talk to the town residents
- [57][Group] Blood Debt - Kill Blind Hackman outside Alimus' Tomb
- [57] Forgotten Memories - Read Bell's Notes
Nicole Olivarra [Ailic's Community]
- [58][Daily] The Lost Kingdom - Gather Old Handicraft ×10 from Handicraft inside Alimus' Tomb
- [58][Daily] Graverobber's Punishment - Kill 10 Tomb Robbers
Antil Jan [Antiques Merchant]
- [58][Daily] Magnork Gold Coins - Gather Old Gold Coins ×10 from Tomb Robbers
Ailic's Community Announcer - minimum level: 58
- [60][Group] Great Discovery - Find Hiran Bodel inside Alimus' Tomb (Ruins of the Magnork Kingdom)
- Hiran Bodel can only be found AFTER the instance is cleared!
Ruin Researchers' Camp[ | ]
Services |
by POI | Quests | Mobs |
Maya Zealander [Ailic Botanist]
- [57] Comparison Research Samples - Get Sigg Lurker Corpse ×5 from Sigg Lurkers
- [57] Strange Wandering Plant - Collect Strange Plant Sample ×10 from Man-eating Plants and/or Wandering Vines
Nanny Maria [Ailic's Employee] - unlocked by completion of both Comparison Research Samples and Strange Wandering Plant
- [58][Daily] Even More Lavender Sprigs - Get Lavender Sprig ×10 from Man-eating Plants
- [58][Daily] More Clothes Lines - Get Common Vine ×10 from Wandering Vines
- [58][Daily] Get Rid of Even More Disgusting Insects - Get Sigg Lurker Foreleg ×10 from Sigg Lurkers
Benjamin Nork [Ailic Rune Scholar] (IF you possess a Mysterious Rune Stone)
- [58] Mysterious Rune Stones - Collect Mysterious Rune Stone ×5 in Ruins of Bymorsh
Nanyo Angelli [Ailic Historian] (IF you possess a Wyrm Bone)
- [58] Crazy Wyrm Spirit - Bring the Wyrm Bone to Nanyo Angilli.
Alimus' Tomb[ | ]
by POI | Quests | Mobs |
Ruins of the Magnork Kingdom[ | ]
by Zone | Quests | Mobs | POIs | Objects |
- Ailic's Community Announcer (found in Silverspring, Thunderhoof Hills, Southern Janost Forest, and Northern Janost Forest)
- [60] Great Discovery - Find Hiran Boduel
- Hiran Boduel • Alfried Barkley • Otto Sheeso
- [60] Lost Document - Find Hiran's Research Notes
- [60] Respect the Ruins - Kill 10 Barbaric Marauders
- [60] Another Base - Speak with Otto Sheeso
- [60][Group] Amboriar - Kill Amboriar and retrieve Parts of Amboriar
- When Amboriar is near death, he will eject many Special Radiance all around himself. Run into them to collect a Parts of Amboriar.
Referenced Page Location: legacy.zam.com/wiki/Southern Janost Forest (RoM Quest Series) |