Runes of Magic Wiki
[+] Varanas City
 [+] Varanas City
  [15] Seek Pan's Help
Tag / Questbook: / Varanas City
Icon - Start Quest Start: Teresa
Related Titles:
Icon - End Quest End: Pan

King Kobold Revived This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.
  1. [10] Driving Off the Kobolds
  2. [10] Carphil's Report
  3. [10] To Peerston
  4. [12] Report on the Kobold Situation
  5. [15] Find the Lost Guard
  6. [15] Rescue the Captured Guard
  7. [15] The Lost Guard's Message
  8. [15] Seek Pan's Help
  9. [15] Gathering Kobold Poison
  10. [15] Collecting Ingredients
  11. [15] Use the Antidote
  12. [16][Group] Killing the Kobold Leader
  13. [1] Kobold Leader's Plans


You need to be at least Level 13 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 7 to turn-in this quest.


Seek Pan's help. She should be in Lower City West.

The Lost Guard's Message
Varanas City
Quest Series
Varanas City
Gathering Kobold Poisons
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This is not good. If this report is true...

Damn those Kobolds! Their shamans are preparing a poison to put in the lake! That's one of Varanas' main sources of water... Our people are in grave danger.

Hurry and find Pan! She knows a great deal about poisons. We need her help.

- Teresa, Guard of Varanas Staff Officer

On Completion

The Kobold Shamans plan to poison the lake? What should we do...

- Pan, Herb Granny


  • Experience: 318
  • TP: 31
  • Money: 529
The Lost Guard's Message
Gathering Kobold Poisons
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