Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki

See also: Instrument Construction for more information.

See Item Shop Items
Reward From:

This item is created by AlchemyAlchemy (33).

Alchemy (Production)
Icon - Sealed Lute
Sealed Lute
Item Shop Item
Not dropped on PK death
Cannot be sold
Magical lute, when played the physical attack speed of up to 6 team members within a radius of 150 will be increased by 25%.
(Right-click to open. The magical instrument you receive will last __ days.)

Recipe - Sealed Lute (3 Days) Recipe - Sealed Lute (3 Days)
Requires AlchemyAlchemy level 33
Raw Materials:
Sagewood Plank Sagewood Plank ×1
Green Thistle Extract Green Thistle Extract ×1
Mist Emerald Mist Emerald ×10
Hormone Crystal Hormone Crystal ×10
Magic Hormone Magic Hormone ×20
Sealed Lute (3 Days) Sealed Lute (3 Days)

As with all AlchemyAlchemy Recipes, the Crafting Cost represents the cost of the glassware plus any cost to use the Crafting Station (as displayed on the Crafting UI).

Very few Crafted items have no upgrade path, but this appears to be one of them.

Versions[ | ]
