Haz sub-chain of the Rufa section
This is one-fourth of the unlock of the Great Barrier of the Savage Lands quest series
Dramatis Personae: Tibabus [Haz Shaman]
- [55] Reasons for the Garrison
- [55] That Merchant
- [55] Concerning Artifacts
- [55] Bargaining Chips
- [55] The Precondition
- [55] The Kindness of Strangers
- [55] Balance of Energies
- [555] Kneel Before Barrack
- [55] Lake Master Prayers
- [55] Fire Spirit Prayers
- [55] Mother Earth's Protection
- [55] The Blessing of the Wind God
- [55] Kachala's Self-Doubt
- [55] Holy Relic Reappears
- [55] Petitioning the Lake Master