Runes of Magic Wiki

This Collective Item Set can come from 2 sources. One is from quests in Great Barrier quest series.

The second source, or second chance if you like. is when you first arrive in Thunderhoof Hills. You will receive a quest, [55] Rewards for Students, from Kabo Kennedy. Simply speak to him again to receive a Bodo Treasure Bodo Treasure. Be sure to choose the type of armor you want. You will receive 2 bags, one of the requested Armor, and the other of Weapons compatible with users of that armor.

Mob drops in this and related zones may also appear on Savage Lands Normal and Savage Lands Good.

Quest Sources

  • Head: blank quest name
  • Shoulders: blank quest name
  • Upper Body: blank quest name
  • Waist: blank quest name
  • Hands: blank quest name
  • Lower Body: blank quest name
  • Feet: blank quest name
  • Dagger, Shield, Talisman: King's Return
  • Sword, Axe, Wand, Hammer: blank quest name
  • Staff, 2-H Sword, 2-H Axe, 2-H Hammer: blank quest name

Additional Good Weapons found in Savage Lands are from quests in Savage Lands quest series:

Stub Eventually, this should list the sources of each piece of armor in this set.