Runes of Magic Wiki
Savage Lands Item Set (Required Level: 55)
Members and Set BonusesAppearanceMembers and Set BonusesAppearance
Rufa Set (7) Cloth
Ic Rufa Belt
Ic Rufa Cloth Shoes
Ic Rufa Handguards
Ic Rufa Headdress
Ic Rufa Leggings
Ic Rufa Cloth Shoulder Guards
Ic Rufa Robes
3 Pieces: +210 Magical Attack
4 Pieces: +30 Intelligence, +125 Healing Power Increase Points
aka Savage Lands

Item Set - Rufa Set - Cloth - Male

Savage Lands (Cloth Item Set)

Luzan Set (7) Leather
Ic Luzan Belt
Ic Luzan Footwear
Ic Luzan Leather Gloves
Ic Luzan Leather Helmet
Ic Luzan Leather Pants
Ic Luzan Leather Shoulder Armor
Ic Luzan Leather Armor
3 Pieces: +210 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: +35 Dexterity
aka Savage Lands

Item Set - Luzan Set - Leather - Male

Savage Lands (Leather Item Set)

Eduth Set (7) Chain
Ic Eduth Belt
Ic Eduth Guard Boots
Ic Eduth Chain Gloves
Ic Eduth Light Helm
Ic Eduth Chainmail Pants
Ic Eduth Chain Shoulderplates
Ic Eduth Chainmail
3 Pieces: +210 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: +35 Strength
aka Savage Lands

Item Set - Eduth Set - Chain - Male

Savage Lands (Chain Item Set)

Haz Set (7) Plate
Ic Hazka Belt
Ic Hazka Boots
Ic Hazka Plate Gauntlets
Ic Hazka Helmet
Ic Hazka Plate Leggings
Ic Hazka Plate Shoulderplates
Ic Hazka Plate Armor
3 Pieces: +210 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: +24 Stamina
aka Savage Lands

Item Set - Haz Set - Plate - Male

Savage Lands (Plate Item Set)

WeaponsAccessorySet Notes
Rufa Set (13) Weapons
Ic Rufa Staff
Ic Rufa Wand
Ic Rufa Talisman
Ic Haz Dagger
no set bonuses
aka Savage Lands


Luzan Set (0) Weapons
Ic Luzan Great Axe
Ic Luzan Bow
no set bonuses
aka Savage Lands


Eduth Set (0) Weapons
Ic Eduth Sword
Ic Eduth Sledgehammer
Ic Eduth Small Hammer
Ic Eduth Giant Crossbow
no set bonuses
aka Savage Lands


Haz Set (0) Weapons
Ic Haz Sword
Ic Haz Hand Axe
Ic Haz Dagger
Ic Haz Shield
no set bonuses
aka Savage Lands


Rufa Set (0) Accessory
Ic Rufa Earring
Ic Rufa Ring
Ic Rufa Necklace
Ic Rufa Cape
no set bonuses
aka Savage Lands


Luzan Set (0) Accessory
Ic Luzan Earring
Ic Luzan Ring
Ic Luzan Necklace
Ic Luzan Cape
no set bonuses
aka Savage Lands


Eduth Set (0) Accessory
Ic Eduth Earring
Ic Eduth Ring
Ic Eduth Necklace
Ic Eduth Cape
no set bonuses
aka Savage Lands


Haz Set (0) Accessory
Ic Haz Earring
Ic Haz Ring
Ic Haz Necklace
Ic Haz Cape
no set bonuses
aka Savage Lands


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This Collective Item Set can come from 2 sources. One is from quests in Great Barrier quest series.

The second source, or second chance if you like. is when you first arrive in Thunderhoof Hills. You will receive a quest, [55] Rewards for Students, from Kabo Kennedy. Simply speak to him again to receive a Bodo Treasure Bodo Treasure. Be sure to choose the type of armor you want. You will receive 2 bags, one of the requested Armor, and the other of Weapons compatible with users of that armor.

Mob drops in this and related zones may also appear on Savage Lands Normal and Savage Lands Good.

Quest Sources

  • Head: blank quest name
  • Shoulders: blank quest name
  • Upper Body: blank quest name
  • Waist: blank quest name
  • Hands: blank quest name
  • Lower Body: blank quest name
  • Feet: blank quest name
  • Dagger, Shield, Talisman: King's Return
  • Sword, Axe, Wand, Hammer: blank quest name
  • Staff, 2-H Sword, 2-H Axe, 2-H Hammer: blank quest name

Additional Good Weapons found in Savage Lands are from quests in Savage Lands quest series:

Stub Eventually, this should list the sources of each piece of armor in this set.
See also: Item Set Skills for a table of all Items Sets, by class, and what extractable skills they have.