Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki

Materials[ | ]

Consumables[ | ]

Ammunition[ | ]

Runes[ | ]

Normal Armor[ | ]

Dropped by Lanaik: Heavy Helmet of the Rhinoceros,Chain Boots of the Dwarf,Experimental Gloves,Gauntlets of the Rhinoceros,Helmet of the Giant Tree,Experimental Boots,Heavy Boots of the Rhinoceros,Leather Gloves of the Giant Tree,Helmet of the Dwarf,Boots of the Giant Tree,Chain Gloves of the Dwarf,Experimental Headdress

Good Armor[ | ]

Dropped by Lanaik: Rare Heavy Helmet of the Rhinoceros,Rare Chain Boots of the Dwarf,Rare Experimental Gloves,Rare Gauntlets of the Rhinoceros,Rare Helmet of the Giant Tree,Rare Experimental Boots,Rare Heavy Boots of the Rhinoceros,Rare Leather Gloves of the Giant Tree,Rare Helmet of the Dwarf,Rare Boots of the Giant Tree,Rare Chain Gloves of the Dwarf,Rare Experimental Headdress

Normal Weapons[ | ]

Dropped by Lanaik: Broadsword of the Fort,Hammer of the Stronghold,Test Staff,Sword of the Dwarf,Bow of Red Clay,Great Axe of the Battlefield,Crossbow of the Stronghold,Hand Axe of the Rhinoceros,Dagger of Red Clay,Heavy Hammer of the Giant Tree,Experimental Wand

Good Weapons[ | ]

Dropped by Lanaik: Rare Broadsword of the Fort,Rare Hammer of the Stronghold,Rare Test Staff,Rare Sword of the Dwarf,Rare Bow of Red Clay,Rare Great Axe of the Battlefield,Rare Crossbow of the Stronghold,Rare Hand Axe of the Rhinoceros,Rare Dagger of Red Cla,Rare Heavy Hammer of the Giant Tree,Rare Experimental Wand
