Runes of Magic Wiki
[+] Pirate Island
 [+] Sabano's Camp
  [91] Running Retreat
Tag / Questbook: z30-Kashaylan / Pirate Island
Expansion: Patch 6.3.0
Icon - Start Quest Start: Duro Fleetfoot [Shotak Pirates] @ Sabano's Camp (Kashaylan)
Related Items:
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Icon - End Quest End: Duro Fleetfoot [Shotak Pirates]
 XP: 3,054,856
 TP: 305,485
 Gold: 48,146Gold 
Gold Grass (Object)

Gold Grass

You need to be at least Level 89 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 83 to turn-in this quest.
This quest becomes trivial above Level 99.


Help Duro Fleetfoot by collecting 10 pain-killing Gold Grass leaves.

Goals: Gold Leaf Gold Leaf ×10 from Gold Grass


For the past few days I've only been able to keep these terrible hunger pangs at bay by chewing on wild herbs. However I didn't manage to find anything which I could treat my injured feet with. The plan was to find some Gold Grass just to numb the pain and then make a go of it, but I couldn't find any, and there aren't that many good hiding places around here. To tell the truth, I was just about to give up and confront the monsters when I saw you approaching.

If you want to help me get back to the camp unharmed, then please find me some Gold Leaves Gold Leaves. Then you'll see the real might of Duro Fleetfoot!

Fight for Survival (RW/Ggl)
Pirate Island
Quest Series
Sabano's Camp
Papowaka Stone Statue
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