See also: Death
When you die, if you do not have a friend nearby that can resurrect your corpse, your only choice will be to release your spirit and resurrect at the nearest Resurrection Stone. You will incur an XP and TP debt. You can regain a portion of this by returning to the site of your death and clicking on your tombstone.
You could also use a God's Redemption Ticket ×itemshop, an Atonement Voucher (but only if you are lower than level 31), or spend time in a Guild Castle studying at your Library. Otherwise, every kill and quest completion will spend some of your XP and TP gain to pay back your debt until it is cleared.
Sometimes, but not always, there is an NPC in Varanas Central Plaza (channel 1 only) called the Master of Absolution. He can remove your "Life Debt" once per 24 hours, for free.