Runes of Magic Wiki
Redhill Mountains Item Set (Required Level: 65)
Members and Set BonusesAppearanceMembers and Set BonusesAppearance
Kalon's Blessing (5) Cloth
Tayne's Fireside Slippers (RW/Ggl)
Red Wing Lament (RW/Ggl)
Guardian Long Pants Guardian Long Pants
Sagacious Dispeller (RW/Ggl)
Grasp of Kindness Grasp of Kindness
Limon Cloth Belt (RW/Ggl)
Cap of Comprehension Cap of Comprehension
3 Pieces: +840 Magical Attack
4 Pieces: +448 Healing Power Increase Points, +112 Intelligence
aka Redhill Mountains

Fireboot Dwarf's Attack (7) Leather
Red Wing Recon (RW/Ggl)
Shador Leather Belt (RW/Ggl)
Tayne's Hunting Boots (RW/Ggl)
Agile Dispeller (RW/Ggl)
Grasp of Passion (RW/Ggl)
Rescuer Leather Pants Rescuer Leather Pants
Halo Burst Halo Burst
3 Pieces: +840 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: +140 Dexterity
aka Redhill Mountains

Fireboot Dwarf's Wrath (7) Chain
Defender Leg Guards Defender Leg Guards
Angren Chain Belt Angren Chain Belt
Lava Blessing Lava Blessing
Tayne's Intel Boots Tayne's Intel Boots
Tenacious Dispeller Tenacious Dispeller
Grasp of Longing Grasp of Longing
Rejuvenation Helm Rejuvenation Helm
3 Pieces: +840 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: +140 Strength
aka Redhill Mountains

Item Set - Redhill Mountains - Chain

Redhill Mountains - Chain

Kalon's Protection (7) Plate
Aren Plate Belt (RW/Ggl)
Tireless Dispeller (RW/Ggl)
Grasp of Remembrance (RW/Ggl)
Tayne's Combat Boots (RW/Ggl)
Warder Leg Guards Warder Leg Guards
Brain Protector Helm
Lava Counterattack (RW/Ggl)
3 Pieces: +840 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: +98 Stamina
aka Redhill Mountains

WeaponsAccessorySet Notes
Redhill Mountains (0) Weapons
Ic Hawk Eye
Ic Bullseye Staff
Ic One Hit Kill
Ic Marauder
Ic K308 Light Weight Battle Axe
Ic Featherweight - Wallbreaker
Ic Voice of Comfort
Ic Wish for Peace Oath Blade
Ic Code Keeper's Axe
Ic Hammer of Vigilance
Ic Coward Chopper - Great Sword
Ic Loyalty Enforcer Great Axe
Ic Tremor Stopper - Great Hammer
Ic Point of Vexation
Ic Point of Repentance
Ic Grasp of Regret
Ic Shield of Evasion
Ic Sound of Seeking
Ic Thorn of Imprisonment
Ic Ring of Imprisonment
Ic Lament of Imprisonment
no set bonuses

Redhill Mountains (0) Accessory
Ic Ring Lord
Ic Hidden Tracks
Ic Spiked Ring
Ic Agility Ring
Ic Busy Bee Cloak
Ic Explorer Cloak
Ic Closet Cloak
Ic Seeker Cloak
Ic Charlie Brown's Shadow
Ic Snooper's Secret
Ic Unshakable Faith
Ic Cosmic Whispers
Ic Fear of Confusion Earring
Ic Fear of Darkness Earring
Ic Fear of Getting Lost Earring
Ic Fear of Night Earring
Ic Wise Intruder Cloak
Ic Invisible Peeper Cloak
Ic Silent Attack Cloak
Ic Sneaky Planner Cloak
no set bonuses

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Rewards from quests in the Magical Reconstruction quest series in Redhill Mountains (and Sardo Castle). All pieces in this set have 110 Durability and +20% Power Modifier and are collectively known as the Redhill Mountains Set.

Related Item Sets

Quest Sources

We are not going to list the quests for the Weapons and Accessories.

See also: Item Set Skills for a table of all Items Sets, by class, and what extractable skills they have.