Runes of Magic Wiki
[+] Bloody Demon Sword
 [+] Chapter III: The Spirit Compass
  [30][Group Epic] Recover the Needle
Tag / Questbook: none / Epic - Bloody Demon Sword
Expansion: Ch.I: Rise of the Demon Lord
Icon - Start Quest Start: Heiger
Related Items:
Icon - End Quest End: Eno
 XP: 15,844
 TP: 1,584
 Gold: 6,600Gold 
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Chapter III: The Spirit Compass This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.
  1. [20][Epic] Zurhidon's Plans
  2. [20][Epic] Information!
  3. [20][Epic] Making the Cure
  4. [20][Epic] Protect Fiss Gordon
  5. [20][Epic] Fiss Gordon in Hiding
  6. [20][Epic] Clue about the Legendary Sword
  7. [20][Epic] Search for the Legendary Sword
  8. [20][Epic] Mysteries of the Mine
  9. [23][Epic] Looking for a Retired Soldier
  10. [23][Epic] Searching for the Other Half
  11. [23][Epic] Shaman Eno
  12. [23][Epic] Eno's Test
  13. [24][Epic] Spirit Compass
  14. [26][Epic] Power of the Jade Valley
  15. [26][Epic] Take Back the Compass (RW/Ggl)
  16. [28][Epic] Planting Demon Vines
  17. [28][Epic] Finding the Needle
  18. [28][Epic] Heiger's Test
  19. [30][Group Epic] Recover the Needle
  20. [30][Epic] Using the Compass
  21. [30][Epic] Compass Directions
  22. [30][Epic] Search for Tatasha
Next: Chapter IV: The Snows of Ystra
Rise of the Demon Lord

This page refers to content introduced at launch, with Chapter I: Rise of the Demon Lord.

You need to be at least Level 28 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 22 to turn-in this quest.
This is a GROUP quest. Good luck.


Go to the Necropolis of Mirrors and find the needle. One of the monsters must have it! Then bring the Compass Needle back to Eno.


I know what you are searching for... a legendary sword, the Eulogy of Blood! Right?

(Heiger stares at you.)

You are looking for the same thing as that Zurhidon guy. But since you beat him up without thinking twice, I know you are not in the same group. Looking at your eyes, I have to ask, do you want to join the Order of the Dark Glory?

Ha! Don't need to answer me right away, if your fate says it is so, it will happen.

The Compass Needle - We were only able to find out that possibly one of the monsters in the Necropolis of Mirrors has it. But to search for the needle in there is like searching for a needle in a haystack! Lajos Halka failed in his search. But I know that Shaman Eno will agree with me that if the gods wish it so, you will find it.


Spoiler Alert!
We have some more information about how to perform this quest but recognize you might want to try it on your own before we tell you the secret...
Soloable by a 47 scout easily. Drops off of trash mobs in Necropolis of Mirrors.

For me, as a 44 Scout/Warden, I had no problem. The first trash mob inside dropped the needle.

Another time, I solo'd this as a 40/40 Mage/Champion and the 3rd Hatred Crystal I killed dropped it.

Heiger's Test
Bloody Demon Sword
Quest Series
Chapter III: The Spirit Compass
Using the Compass
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