Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki
Crafting Festival This page relates to a quest, mob, event, or item involved in the annual Crafting Festival (June)

These items, all 3 with the same name, are made by combining Purify Rune Purify Rune ×2 and 10 of a specific Herb, Ore or Wood. The recipes are different but the items are the same and will stack.

All three recipes have a 4 hour cooldown. If you have the mats for all 3 recipes you can make Purified Crystal Purified Crystal ×3 every 4 hours.

Purified Crystal Purified Crystal is required for the following:

You can also "trade" Purified Crystal Purified Crystal ×10 and Essence Crystal Essence Crystal ×10 to Artificer's Guild Member for one of 9 random rewards.

Unlike most recipes, the recipes quality is Good, but the product quality is Normal.

Herb[ | ]

ID#: 209758
Recipe Cost: 5,000Gold 
Recipe worth: 500Gold 
Recipe Sold by:

This item is created by AlchemyAlchemy (20).

Alchemy (Production)
Icon - Purified Crystal
Purified Crystal
Not dropped on PK death
Cannot be sold
A valuable crystal distilled from precious raw materials.

Recipe - Purified Crystal Recipe - Purified Crystal
Requires AlchemyAlchemy level 20
Raw Materials:
Purify Rune Purify Rune ×2
Thorn Apple Bundle Thorn Apple Bundle ×10
Worth: 500 Gold
Purified Crystal Purified Crystal

As with all AlchemyAlchemy Recipes, the Crafting Cost represents the cost of the glassware plus any cost to use the Crafting Station (as displayed on the Crafting UI).

Very few Crafted items have no upgrade path, but this appears to be one of them.

Ore[ | ]

Recipe Cost: 5,000Gold 
Recipe worth: 500Gold 
Recipe Sold by:

This item is created by BlacksmithingBlacksmithing (20).

Blacksmithing (Production)
Icon - Purified Crystal
Purified Crystal
Not dropped on PK death
Cannot be sold
A valuable crystal distilled from precious raw materials.

Recipe - Purified Crystal Recipe - Purified Crystal
Requires BlacksmithingBlacksmithing level 20
Raw Materials:
Purify Rune Purify Rune ×2
Rune Obsidian Sand Rune Obsidian Sand ×10
Worth: 500 Gold
Purified Crystal Purified Crystal

Very few Crafted items have no upgrade path, but this appears to be one of them.

Wood[ | ]

Recipe Cost: 5,000Gold 
Recipe worth: 500Gold 
Recipe Sold by:

This item is created by CarpentryCarpentry (20).

Carpentry (Production)
Icon - Purified Crystal
Purified Crystal
Not dropped on PK death
Cannot be sold
A valuable crystal distilled from precious raw materials.

Recipe - Purified Crystal Recipe - Purified Crystal
Requires CarpentryCarpentry level 20
Raw Materials:
Purify Rune Purify Rune ×2
Ancient Spirit Oak Timber Ancient Spirit Oak Timber ×10
Worth: 500 Gold
Purified Crystal Purified Crystal

Very few Crafted items have no upgrade path, but this appears to be one of them.
