Runes of Magic Wiki

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24 December 2022

  • curprev 22:0022:00, 24 December 2022‎ Bludwyng talk contribs‎ m 578 bytes +16‎ No edit summary undo
  • curprev 21:5821:58, 24 December 2022‎ Bludwyng talk contribs‎ m 562 bytes 0‎ Bludwyng moved page Princess Morfantas Stone Statue to Princess of Morfantas Stone Statue without leaving a redirect undo
  • curprev 21:5821:58, 24 December 2022‎ Bludwyng talk contribs‎ 562 bytes +562‎ Created page with "{{BWItem |iconname=|itemname=|searchname=|itemid=241048 |quality=rare|bound=y|binds= |nopkdrop=y|uniq=y|nosell=y|maxstack=|maxcarry= |itemtype=Quest Item |description=A princess who has been cursed and is slowly turning into stone. |footer={{Text_rcu}} |fromobject=|soldby=|costg=|worth= |droppedby=|droppedbytypes=|stockpile= |fromquests=|fromquestlevels=|fromquesttypes= |frompkgs=|frompkgquantities=|frompkgqualities= |relquests=War of Attrition|relquestlevels=9|relquestt..."