Runes of Magic Wiki

This summarized page lists in-game items or topics best summed up with a single wiki article. This is so we can avoid making dozens of pages all dealing with slight variations of the same thing. If they are created at all, the individual pages should all redirect here.

ID#: 204235
Maximum Stack Size: 99
Icon - Powerful Pet Growth Potion
Powerful Pet Growth Potion
Pet Feed
Cannot be sold
Pet Feed
The specially made growth potion, once fed to your pet, will produce the following effects:
Experience +1000

Training +500

For relevant information, see Pets.

See Item Shop Items
ID#: 207575
Maximum Stack Size: 99
Sold by:
Icon - Powerful Pet Growth Potion
Powerful Pet Growth Potion
Item Shop Item
Pet Feed
Cannot be sold
Pet Feed
The specially made growth potion, once fed to your pet, will produce the following effects:
Experience +1000

Training +500

For relevant information, see Pets.
