Runes of Magic Wiki
Power of Justice Item Set (Required Level: 70)
Members and Set BonusesAppearanceMembers and Set BonusesAppearance
Power of a Thousand Feathers (4) Cloth
Ic Robe of a Thousand Feathers
Ic Shoulder Guards of a Thousand Feathers
Ic Cloth Boots of a Thousand Feathers
Ic Headdress of a Thousand Feathers
2 Pieces: +100 Intelligence
3 Pieces: +1260 Magical Attack
4 Pieces: +403 Magical Accuracy
aka Power of Justice


Devourer Ghost (4) Cloth
Ic Devourer's Robe
Ic Devourer's Shoulder Guards
Ic Devourer's Cloth Boots
Ic Devourer's Headdress
Ic Devourer's Gloves (not set)
Ic Devourer's Leg Guards (not set)
Ic Devourer's Belt (not set)
2 Pieces: +100 Wisdom
3 Pieces: +351 Magical Accuracy
4 Pieces: +1000 Healing Power Increase Points
aka Power of Justice

Item Set - Power of a Thousand Feathers - Cloth - Male

Power of Justice (Cloth Item Set)

Roar of the Insane Warrior (4) Leather
Ic Leather Coat of the Insane Warrior
Ic Shoulder Armor of the Insane Warrior
Ic Leather Boots of the Insane Warrior
Ic Helmet of the Insane Warrior
Ic Leather Gloves of the Insane Warrior (not set)
Ic Leather Leggings of the Insane Warrior (not set)
Ic Belt of the Insane Warrior (not set)
2 Pieces: +100 Dexterity
3 Pieces: +1260 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: +310 Strength
aka Power of Justice


Power of Assassination (4) Leather
Ic Leather Coat of the Night King
Ic Shoulder Armor of the Night King
Ic Leather Boots of the Night King
Ic Helmet of the Night King
2 Pieces: +100 Dexterity
3 Pieces: +1260 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: +217 Stamina
aka Power of Justice

Item Set - Roar of the Insane Warrior - Leather - Male

Power of Justice (Leather Item Set)

Power of Quaking (4) Chain
Ic Breastplate of the Quaking King
Ic Shoulder Guards of the Quaking King
Ic Battle Boots of the Quaking King
Ic Helm of the Quaking King
Ic Chain Gloves of the Quaking King (not set)
Ic Chain Leggings of the Quaking King (not set)
Ic Belt of the Quaking King (not set)
2 Pieces: +100 Strength
3 Pieces: +1260 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: +403 Accuracy
aka Power of Justice

Item Set - Power of Quaking - Chain - Male

Power of Justice (Chain Item Set)

Power of Forgiveness (4) Plate
Ic Plate Armor of the Unrivaled Shield
Ic Shoulder Guards of the Unrivaled Shield
Ic Steel Boots of the Unrivaled Shield
Ic Helmet of the Unrivaled Shield
Ic Gauntlets of the Unrivaled Shield (not set)
Ic Plate Leggings of the Unrivaled Shield (not set)
Ic Belt of the Unrivaled Shield (not set)
Ic Unrivaled Shield (not set)
2 Pieces: +70 Stamina
3 Pieces: +1260 Physical Attack
4 Pieces: +403 Accuracy
aka Power of Justice

Item Set - Power of Forgiveness - Plate - Male

Power of Justice (Plate Item Set)

WeaponsAccessorySet Notes
Power of Justice (0) Weapons
Ic Bow of a Thousand Feathers
Ic Shadow of a Thousand Feathers
Ic Strength of the Insane Warrior
Ic Protection of the Insane Warrior
Ic Basher of the Quaking King
Ic Tremor of the Quaking King
no set bonuses

Costume of Heroic Defense (3) Accessory
Necklace of Heroic Defense (RW/Ggl)
Defense Earring of the Bunker (RW/Ggl)
Ring of Demonic Defense (RW/Ggl)
3 Pieces: +155 Parry Rate, +217 Dodge
aka Heroic Costumes
or Power of Justice


Costume of Heroic Precision (3) Accessory
Necklace of Heroic Precision (RW/Ggl)
Precision Earring of the Bunker (RW/Ggl)
Ring of Demonic Assault (RW/Ggl)
3 Pieces: +930 Physical Attack, +155 Physical Critical Hit Rate
aka Heroic Costumes
or Power of Justice


Costume of Heroic Ghost (3) Accessory
Necklace of Heroic Ghost (RW/Ggl)
Earring of Bunker Ghost (RW/Ggl)
Ring of Demonic Destruction (RW/Ggl)
3 Pieces: +155 Intelligence, +155 Magical Critical Hit Rate
aka Heroic Costumes
or Power of Justice


Costume of Heroic Aura (3) Accessory
Necklace of Heroic Aura (RW/Ggl)
Earring of Bunker Aura (RW/Ggl)
Ring of Demonic Silence (RW/Ggl)
3 Pieces: +155 Wisdom, +620 Healing Power Increase Points
aka Heroic Costumes
or Power of Justice


Costume of Heroic Assault (3) Accessory
Ring of Demonic Black Magic (RW/Ggl)
Assault Earring of the Bunker (RW/Ggl)
Necklace of Heroic Assault (RW/Ggl)
3 Pieces: +930 Physical Attack, +155 Strength
aka Heroic Costumes
or Power of Justice


Costume of Heroic Strength (3) Accessory
Ring of Demonic Shame (RW/Ggl)
Earring of Bunker Strength (RW/Ggl)
Necklace of Heroic Strength (RW/Ggl)
3 Pieces: +155 Intelligence, +930 Magical Attack
aka Heroic Costumes
or Power of Justice


Costume of Heroic Spirit (3) Accessory
Ring of the Demonic Rise (RW/Ggl)
Earring of Bunker Spirit (RW/Ggl)
Necklace of Heroic Spirit (RW/Ggl)
3 Pieces: +930 Magical Attack, +930 Physical Attack
aka Heroic Costumes
or Power of Justice


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This collective itemset (Power of Justice) is built from 6 subsets dropped by Bosses in Tomb of the Seven Heroes and sold by NPCs in Kingdom of Lechif.

The Accessories are also known as Heroic Costumes and are sold by Noll Kaid [Black Codex] at Valley of Glory in Thunderhoof Hills, and Nikka Lyne [Black Codex] at Fireboot Underground Fortress in Redhill Mountains.

Power of Justice and Heroic Justice share the same appearance.


Bosses listed are all from Tomb of the Seven Heroes

Most, but not all, of these sets also have Hands, Legs, and Waist pieces that have the same appearance but are NOT required for, nor contribute to, set bonuses. They do have stats of their own. Some of all seven pieces may also have non-set upgrades (better stats), such as Newly crafted Leather Gloves of the Insane Warrior (RW/Ggl) (upgrade to Leather Gloves of the Insane Warrior (RW/Ggl)) or Newly crafted Thousand Feathers Robe (RW/Ggl) (upgrade to Robe of a Thousand Feathers (RW/Ggl)). There is no clear indication in the database of who drops, or sells, these "Newly crafted" pieces.

It is possible that the "Newly crafted" pieces were in the original design of this expansion and intended to be added as recipes but never were. It is possible, therefor, that they are not available in-game. I suspect this concept is what became the "Transformed" recipes.
See also: Item Set Skills for a table of all Items Sets, by class, and what extractable skills they have.