Patch 1820 on 17 March 2009
New content
New Quests / Epic Quest Lines
- Added a new Epic Quest Line
- Note: The new quests will only be available from Thursday, 19 March 2009
- Added many more quests at levels 30, 32, 35, and 40
- Added the new "Masquerade Fiesta" event
- Collect special items which can be traded in for special masks
- In Varanas there are several wooden boxes that, when opened (a bit of force is needed), contain several things you can trade for EXP-potions
- There is more…
Changes / Additions
PvP - PK Rule Changes
- Addition to PVP rules
- Killing players 8 or more levels below will yield no drops or reputation.
- Killing players 5 or more levels below will yield no drops but reputation changes as normal
- Added criminal / aggressor flagging
- Anyone helping a criminal will be flagged as a criminal.
- Criminal flags disappear after 5 minutes
- PK flagging is now instant
- When a player is killed 3 times within 10 minutes without being flagged as aggressor / criminal, the player receives a buff that protects from further PK'ing.
- Guards will attack players flagged as criminals.
- Guards damage has been adjusted.
3 vs 3 arena
- The PvP-arena in the Obsidian Fortress now is available for 3 vs. 3 fights.
- Safe and sound icon in the house has been changed.
- The water-animation has been massively revamped.
- Reduced the TP cost of Magic Barrier
- Phoenix's Redemption Potion is now in token shop
Bug Fixes
- Fixed error that causes crashes when changing zones.
- "Home-sweet-home" will no longer cause crashes when used inside the guild hall
- Pasper's Shrine’s last boss’s script error has been fixed.
Combat System Changes Pt. 2
Attribute Changes
The ratio between the Wisdom-attribute and the Magical Defense has been changed as follows:
- Before
- 1 WIS = 2 MDEF
- After
- Knight: 1 WIS = 2.4 MDEF
- Mage: 1 WIS = 3 MDEF
- Priest: WIS = 3.2 MDEF
- Rogue: 1 WIS = 2.3 MDEF
- Scout: 1 WIS = 2.6 MDEF
- Warrior: 1 WIS = 2.2 MDEF
- Wisdom will now affect Healing.
Skill changes
- Surprise Attack and Blasting Cyclone now share the same cool-down.
- Both skills now have a cool-down of 12 seconds from 10 seconds.
- Increase rage-loss when not in combat.
- Enraged can be also used during combat.
- Cool-down now increased to 40 seconds from 20 seconds.
- Fixed bug that allowed targets to still use items when dazed by Discharge
- Increased the effects of Energy Influx for all levels
- Increased the effects of Fire Ward for all levels
- Elemental Catalysis
- Magical damage is increased by 20% and recover 2% of mana every 2 seconds
- Reduced the effects of Faith for all levels.
- Reduced the effects of Holy Candle from 10% to 5%
- Lowered the TP cost of Magic Barrier
- Wave Armour will now also have an additional negative buff that prevent a new wave armour
- Fixed Priest/Scout cannot remove Wave Armour bug.
- Assassins Rage
- Increase critical rate to 600 and critical damage by 30%
- Arrow of Essence
- Increase range weapon's damage by 20% and attack speed by 15%
All classes
- Frenzy, Arrow of Essence, Assassins Rage and Elemental Catalysis all had their effects changed.
- All "10 minute" class specific skills have been reduced to 5 minutes.
Monster adjustments
- All monsters in instances have been reduced in power
- Fixed a few monsters that had little or no magical defense.
General changes
- Increase in gear level now may also increase magical defense.
The 3 vs. 3 arena is not working at the moment. The NPC is away-without-leave. We have sent the troops out for him and hope he'll be back with tomorrow morning's maintenance.
We promise he will have to bear the consequences of his failure and will not fail us again.
On a similar note: The guys setting up the event in Varanas were a bit slack as well and did no finish their job on time. The event is delayed because of this as well.