Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki

Most mobs in Northern Janost Forest can drop any of the following items, in addition to Health Potions, Mana Potions, Ammunition, Production Runes, and Festival Items. Usually this is Common and Normal items, but may also include a few Good items.

Consumables[ | ]

Those consumables that drop within a zone are usually for sale by at least one merchant in that zone.

Potion Merchants:

Ammunition[ | ]

Ammunition that drops within a zone are usually for sale by at least one merchant in that zone.

General Merchants:

Recipes[ | ]

Alchemy Armorcrafting Blacksmithing Carpentry Cooking Tailoring
(Blend Rune Blend Rune) (Purify Rune Purify Rune) (Frost Rune Frost Rune) (Link Rune Link Rune) (Activate Rune Activate Rune) (Disenchant Rune Disenchant Rune)
item name needed item name needed item name needed item name needed item name needed item name needed

Armor[ | ]

All armor is level 60. Collectively known as the Forest item set.

Cloth[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Head Forest Temple Helmet Rare Forest Temple Helmet
Shoulders Forest Temple Shoulder Guards Rare Forest Temple Shoulder Guards
Hands Forest Temple Gloves Rare Forest Temple Gloves
Belt Forest Temple Belt Rare Forest Temple Belt

Leather[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Head Forest Tomb Helmet Rare Forest Tomb Helmet
Shoulders Forest Tomb Shoulder Guards Rare Forest Tomb Shoulder Guards
Hands Forest Tomb Gloves Rare Forest Tomb Gloves
Belt Forest Tomb Belt Rare Forest Tomb Belt

Chain[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Head Forest Ruins Helmet Rare Forest Ruins Helmet
Shoulders Forest Ruins Shoulder Guards Rare Forest Ruins Shoulder Guards
Hands Forest Ruins Gloves Rare Forest Ruins Gloves
Belt Forest Ruins Belt Rare Forest Ruins Belt

Plate[ | ]

Slot Normal Good
Head Forest Stronghold Helmet Rare Forest Stronghold Helmet
Shoulders Forest Stronghold Shoulder Guards Rare Forest Stronghold Shoulder Guards
Hands Forest Stronghold Gloves Forest Stronghold Gloves Rare Forest Stronghold Gloves
Belt Forest Stronghold Belt Rare Forest Stronghold Belt

Weapons[ | ]

All weapons are level 60. Collectively known as the Forest Item Set.

Type Normal Good
Dagger Forest Dagger Rare Forest Dagger
Sword Forest Long Sword Rare Forest Long Sword
2-H Sword Forest Broadsword Rare Forest Broadsword
Hammer Forest Hammer Rare Forest Hammer
2-H Hammer none none
Axe Forest Axe Rare Forest Axe
2-H Axe Giant Forest Axe Rare Giant Forest Axe
Bow Forest Longbow Rare Forest Longbow
Crossbow Forest Crossbow Rare Forest Crossbow
Wand Forest Scepter Rare Forest Scepter
Staff Forest Wand Rare Forest Wand

I do not know how they missed the 2-H Hammer weapon type, but they did. There is no 2-H Hammer in this table.

Accessories[ | ]

All accessories are level 60.

Slot Normal Good
Ring Forest Ring Rare Forest Ring
Earring Forest Earring Rare Forest Earring
Necklace Forest Chain Rare Forest Chain