Runes of Magic Wiki
Shops:See below for Shop display(s)

For Sale:

                    See Items sold by this NPC
                    Nabod Klein
                    [Black Codex]

                    [Black Codex]
                    Race (MCT)Human (Humanoid)
                    TypeBlack Codex Merchant
                    LevelNon-Player Character
                    LocationThunderhoof Hills / Dalanis Central District
                    Race - Human

                    Race: Human

                    If you have a picture of this specific mob, you can upload it to File:Nabod Klein.jpg


                    To find this mob in-game, use BACKSPACE to open the World Search window, then enter Nabod Klein in the Search field and click "Search". Remember, the field is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown.

                    This mob is a member of the group collectively known as Black Codex.

                    Shops Available from this NPC

                    All shops displayed on this mob page will begin as Hidden/Collapsed. This is to limit the information presented so as not to overwhelm you.

                    Dalanis ISS: Level 55 Rare ISS Armor and Accessory Sets 
                    Icon Fearless Armor Boots
                    10Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Fearless Armor Gloves
                    15Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Fearless Armor Belt
                    20Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Fearless Chainmail Boots
                    10Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Fearless Chainmail Gloves
                    15Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Fearless Chainmail Belt
                    20Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Fearless Leather Amor Boots
                    10Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Fearless Leather Armor Gloves
                    15Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Fearless Leather Armor Belt
                    20Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Fearless Cloth Boots
                    10Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Fearless Cloth Gloves
                    15Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Fearless Cloth Belt
                    20Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Earth-Splitter Chainmail Boots
                    10Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Earth-Splitter Chainmail Gloves
                    15Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Earth-Splitter Chainmail Belt
                    20Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Hurricane Leather Armor Boots
                    10Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Hurricane Leather Armor Gloves
                    15Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Hurricane Leather Armor Belt
                    20Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Noble Cloth Boots
                    10Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Noble Cloth Gloves
                    15Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Noble Cloth Belt
                    20Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Augury Cloth Boots
                    10Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Augury Cloth Gloves
                    15Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Augury Cloth Belt
                    20Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Sleepwalker Necklace
                    10Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Sleepwalker Earrings
                    15Ancient Mementos 
                    Icon Sleepwalker Ring
                    20Ancient Mementos 
                    Merchants offering this shop can repair One or All of your equipped items
                    GUID: 600214 (RW)
                    Sold by: Nabod Klein
                    This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.

                    All equipment sold by Nabod Klein requires Level 55.

                    Equipment For Sale[ | ]

                    Feet (10 Ancient Mementos)[ | ]

                    Name Type PDef MDef Yellow Stat Bonus A Bonus B
                    Ic Fearless Armor Boots Plate 134 94 Pioneer VII +41 Sta +123 PDef
                    Ic Fearless Chainmail Boots Chain 120 107 Glory VII +41 Str +123 PDef
                    Ic Fearless Leather Armor Boots Leather 107 120 Slaughter VII +41 Dex +123 PDef
                    Ic Fearless Cloth Boots Cloth 94 134 Constraint VII +41 Int +123 PDef
                    Ic Earth-Splitter Chainmail Boots Chain 120 107 Glory VII +41 Str +123 PDef
                    Ic Hurricane Leather Armor Boots Leather 107 120 Slaughter VII +41 Dex +123 PDef
                    Ic Noble Cloth Boots Cloth 94 134 Return VII +41 Wis +123 PDef
                    Ic Augury Cloth Boots Cloth 94 134 Mirage VII +41 Wis +205 HP

                    Hands (15 Ancient Mementos)[ | ]

                    Name Type PDef MDef Yellow Stat Bonus A Bonus B
                    Ic Fearless Armor Gloves Plate 161 112 Eruption VII +41 Sta +82 PAtt
                    Ic Fearless Chainmail Gloves Chain 145 128 Razor VII +41 Str +94 PAtt
                    Ic Fearless Leather Armor Gloves Leather 128 145 Cruel VII +41 Dex +94 PAtt
                    Ic Fearless Cloth Gloves Cloth 112 161 Specter VII +41 Int +82 PAtt
                    Ic Earth-Splitter Chainmail Gloves Chain 145 128 Razor VII +41 Str +94 PAtt
                    Ic Hurricane Leather Armor Gloves Leather 128 145 Cruel VII +41 Dex +94 PAtt
                    Ic Noble Cloth Gloves Cloth 112 161 Haze VII +41 Wis +82 PAtt
                    Ic Augury Cloth Gloves Cloth 112 161 Prophet VII +41 Wis +123 MDef

                    Belt (20 Ancient Mementos)[ | ]

                    Name Type PDef MDef Yellow Stat Bonus A Bonus B
                    Ic Fearless Armor Belt Plate 80 56 Mage VII +41 Sta +82 MAtt
                    Ic Fearless Chainmail Belt Chain 72 64 Assault VII +41 Str +82 MAtt
                    Ic Fearless Leather Armor Belt Leather 70 72 Break VII +41 Dex +82 MAtt
                    Ic Fearless Cloth Belt Cloth 60 80 Wit VII +41 Int +94 MAtt
                    Ic Earth-Splitter Chainmail Belt Chain 72 64 Assault VII +41 Str +82 MAtt
                    Ic Hurricane Leather Armor Belt Leather 70 72 Break VII +41 Dex +82 MAtt
                    Ic Noble Cloth Belt Cloth 60 80 Aureola VII +41 Wis +82 MAtt
                    Ic Augury Cloth Belt Cloth 60 80 Wit VII +41 Int +94 MAtt

                    Sleepwalker Accessories (10-20 Ancient Mementos)[ | ]

                    Name Location Ancient
                    Yellow Stat Bonus A Bonus B
                    Ic Sleepwalker Necklace Necklace 10Ancient Mementos  Guard VII +41 Sta +235 HP
                    Ic Sleepwalker Earrings Earring 15Ancient Mementos  Razor VII +41 Str +94 PAtt
                    Ic Sleepwalker Ring Ring 20Ancient Mementos  Wit VII +41 Int +94 MAtt

                    Item Set Skill[ | ]

                    Each Item Set Skill requires 3 pieces of equipment from this vendor. See Tatsy Turnbull, or Rachel Turnbull in Obsidian Stronghold Mercenary Square, to extract the ISS.

                    Lv Class Item Set Skill Item Set
                    51 General (General) Sp goods 001 Spirit Herb Essence Sleepwalker Accessory
                    51 General (General) Sp goods 002 Elemental Spirit Stone Essence Sleepwalker Accessory
                    51 General (General) Sp goods 003 Energy Restore Sleepwalker Accessory
                    55 Classicon psyron Champion Disassembly Mode Disassembly Mode Fearless Chainmail Set
                    55 Classicon druid Druid Sp dru 003 Forest Bath Augury Cloth Set
                    55 Classicon knight Knight Sp kni 003 Flawless Scarlet Sword Fearless Plate Set
                    55 Classicon mage Mage Stone Scale Blade Stone Scale Blade Fearless Cloth Set
                    55 Classicon augur Priest Sp aug 003 Frost Scars Noble Cloth Set
                    55 Classicon thief Rogue Sp thi 003 Night Attack Fearless Leather Set
                    55 Classicon ranger Scout Sp ran 003 Keen Will Hurricane Leather Set
                    55 Classicon warden Warden Sp ward 003 Tranquil Wave Earth-Splitter Chainmail Set
                    55 Classicon harpsyn Warlock Sp psy 003 Dark Halo Fearless Cloth Set
                    55 Classicon warrior Warrior Item par 002 Tourniquet Fearless Chainmail Set