Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki
a.k.a. Ancestor's Knowledge or MA.
For the new, level 100+ HARD version of this Dungeon, see Mystic Altar - Hard
Mystic map

Map of Mystic Altar

Interactive Map available
Rise of the Demon Lord

This page refers to content introduced at launch, with Chapter I: Rise of the Demon Lord.

Zone Information
Zone ID#104
Continent Candara
Type Instanced Dungeon
Mirror: Dynamic Mirror Altar
Expansion Ch.I: Rise of the Demon Lord
Level Range 40 to 50
Connecting Zones Ystra Highlands (inside Mystic Altar at the summit of Snowhorn)
Max Players 6
Progress Saved? No
QuestsSeries Mobs Loot Shops ObjectsPOIs

How do I get to Mystic Altar the first time?: At the top of Snowhorn mountain stands the temple. The mobs are all Elite. Do not fight them, just run, center of the hall, until you reach the bottom and all mobs have broken. It is a good idea to drop some ink here.

Approach the Mystic Stone Table in the middle of the room to enter the Mystic Altar or Mystic Altar - Hard.

Please see Instance List for a table of all Instances, by the zone they are found in, and the quests that are involved with them.


Harvestable Resources in this Zone
Please see Category:Resource Node (Object Type) for a complete list of all Harvestable Resources.

In the first room north from entrance, click the Stone Statue to activate the hidden passage! This cools the flame in the hallway proceeding north, but the flame resets on a timer! Do not dawdle here!

The December 2023 Producer's Letter mentioned that another updated end-game version of an older instance (like what they did in 2023 with Reflection of the Necropolis) will be joining the game in 2024 and the next zone updated will be Mystic Altar. The target skill level of the new instance will be Peak Level 15. Watch this space for more information as it becomes available.

Shadows Over the Altar[ | ]

Launched on 4/25/2024 (patch, the level 100(10)+ HARD version of this Dungeon can be found at Mystic Altar - Hard.

History[ | ]

The Mystic Altar is situated on the summit of Snowhorn which is the center of religion and thought for the Minotaurs. Inside are carvings which apparently look similar to demons. But in fact this is about the history of the creation of the Minotaurs. Some adventurers managed to sneak inside and understood this as a sign for demon worship, and so the rumour spread that the Minotaurs are an evil race which has degenerated into demon worship.

It can be said that the Mystic Altar is the essence of the Minotaur culture. The Minotaurs are very proud of their culture and say that the altar is a holy place which outsiders are not allowed to enter under any circumstances. So they guard it extraordinarily fiercely.

But all the rumours about the Minotaurs do somehow mention it: “And now this-and-that item lies hidden in the Mystic Altar and is guarded closely by the Minotaurs”. So many adventurers have already died in the Mystic Altar, trying to uncover the secrets of these legends.

Requirements[ | ]

Level Requirement:

  • Healers 45+
  • Tanks 46+
  • Bosses: 6

Quests[ | ]

The following quests may start outside or inside, but they are all related to Mystic Altar.

Access[ | ]

Prequest series starts with Shamar in Ystra Highlands at Harf Trading Post.

  1. [41] Minotaur Territory
  2. [42] Secret of the Mystic Altar
  3. [45] Knowledge of the Ancestors
Thank You! The Runes of Magic Wiki would like to thank Der Heiler of RoM Joint Forum for Access Prequests.

Start Elsewhere in Taborea[ | ]

Aimlee, Dylon, or Guild Quest Board I

Mystery Hermit in Howling Mountains

Start in Ystra Highlands[ | ]

Start inside Mystic Altar[ | ]


  1. [38][Group] Opening the Secret Passageway
  2. [38][Group] Extinguish the Flame Trap

Item-Triggered: Curious Minotaur Jewelry Curious Minotaur Jewelry ('dropped' by Dorlos) • Philinde

  1. [38] Curious Minotaur Jewelry - Bring the Curious Minotaur Jewelry Curious Minotaur Jewelry to Philinde outside the Mystic Altar.
  2. [38] Rest now, brave warriors! - Offer the Curious Minotaur Jewelry Curious Minotaur Jewelry on Refinger's Altar in Frostwood Valley to release the soul inside.

Trash[ | ]

Trash mobs in this zone DO have Monster Compendium Cards.

Bosses[ | ]

Boss mobs in this zone DO have Monster Compendium Cards.

First, go into the room on your left handside and turn the statue by clicking on it. This also completes Aukuda's first quest. Be sure to go talk to Aukuda to turn-in the first quest and start the second (if you need to).

Then walk back and go down. Head right and go up. Clear mobs, and clear the room. Walk to the end of the room and click on the Ceremonial Water. It will now spawn around 10 Evil Ice Spirits. This is the first boss. Kill the ice witches and some of them drop some loot. They have high magical attack. Let everyone in your party take the water, so you can skip this part the next time. You get some Holy Water Holy Water.

Go back to the middle, and take the entrance right of the water entrance. Once again clear rooms, and walk to the end. Let someone with the Holy Water Holy Water hit the Brazier. This also completes Aukuda's second quest. It'll now spawn 0-9 mobs. Kill them and you have a possible chance on loot. They have quite low damage and die easy so nothing to worry about.

If you want quick runs, then skip the last Boss.

While bosses in this version DO have Monster Compendium Cards, they do not drop Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos.
# Boss Name Ancient Mementos
 Easy Normal Hard 
1Evil Ice Spirit000
2Flaming Nightmare000
3Cursed Iron Golem000
6Aukuda, the Cursed000
Totals 0 0 0
Evil Ice Spirit

Evil Ice Spirit

Evil Ice Spirit

Evil Ice Spirit (40 Elite)

Strategy: strategy needed
Hitpoints n/a 15,436 HP n/a
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos n/a n/a n/a

Key Drops: Holy Water Holy Water

Click on the Ceremonial Water to get the Holy Water Holy Water and summon the Evil Ice Spirit.

Flaming Nightmare

Flaming Nightmare

Flaming Nightmare

Flaming Nightmare (40 Elite)

Strategy: strategy needed
Hitpoints n/a 12,651 HP n/a
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos n/a n/a n/a

You need the Holy Water Holy Water (from Evil Ice Spirit encounter) to place in the Brazier to summon Flaming Nightmare (and extinguish the flames in the Secret Passageway.

Cursed Iron Golem

Cursed Iron Golem

Cursed Iron Golem

Cursed Iron Golem (42 Crown Elite)

Last boss, head back to where you killed Razeela and go left, hug wall, make sure you don't pull anything because they are chained. Which means you'll pull the whole room.

Take the entrance on your left handside and kill all rooms till you see small beetles and 2 big dogs. Carefully pull them because there's a boss behind them. After you killed those go for boss. It has a strong damage and most of all, he has a very nasty AoE Knockdown effect. It not just knock you down but it does quite amount of damage as well. So suggested is, range only except for the tank. For the rest, tank and spank.
Hitpoints n/a 241,116 HP n/a
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos n/a n/a n/a




Razeela (42 Crown Elite)

Related Quests:
Go back to the statue, you'll now see an opened hallway without fire. Go trough. You can do 2 things now. Clear the room, or hug left wall and walk behind Razeela (This is adviced). Kill the mobs behind her and then go for the boss. It drains life from you, but it's not like it goes down 2000 HP per second. Easy healable. It also has AoE. At around 0-10% it says Sing of Life Glories Silence her and kill her as soon as possible then or she heals back to 40%.
Hitpoints n/a 249,461 HP n/a
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos n/a n/a n/a




Dorlos (43 Crown Elite)

Related Quests:
Head down the hallway clear room or walk trough. Go down and you'll see adds coming up. They'll stand in formation. Just kill them 1 by 1. Kill them all except the last one. The last one will aggro the boss as well.So re-gain mana and HP after you killed all the adds and then kill the last add. As soon you killed the add, go for boss. This boss AoE's (Nasty AoE) and spawns around 8 adds. Leave 1 add alive or he spawns them again (So healer have to tank 1 add). At 50% he teleports you all the time. Closer to him. So take distance fast again because he might AoE. After that he starts using fear. So you need a good healer and a good tank, but he's doable.
Hitpoints n/a 258,257 HP n/a
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos n/a n/a n/a

When you defeat him, he tells you that, as a final gesture, the way out is open to you. What he does NOT tell you is that in the previous room now waits Aukuda, the Cursed.

Aukuda, the Cursed

Aukuda, the Cursed

Aukuda, the Cursed

Aukuda, the Cursed (42 Crown Elite)

Alright, head left and go trough the hallway. Clear rooms. If anyone has the quest of Aukuda, then he's there, if not kill Dorlos 1st and then come back and he's there.

Aukuda is probably the nastiest boss of Mystic Altar. It has high damage, it random charges people, it can fear and stun. Charges can be interrupted if your tank is fast enough to charge him before he charges someone else. When he charged someone. He'll do some AoE skill so run away if he charges. You need a good tank and healer for this because he has high damage.
Hitpoints n/a 249,461 HP n/a
Ancient Mementos Ancient Mementos n/a n/a n/a

Source: (the post no longer exists)
