Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki
For other articles with related titles, see Mysterious Powder.

Quest Diad
[+] Ystra Labyrinth
 [+] R.C. Rear Base Camp
Tag / Questbook: / Revivers' Corridor
Expansion: Ch.I: Rise of the Demon Lord
Icon - Start Quest Start: Jiner Bighead @ Rear Base Camp of the Revivers' Corridor (Revivers' Corridor)
Related Zones:
Related Mobs:
Related Items:
Icon - End Quest End: Jiner Bighead @ Rear Base Camp of the Revivers' Corridor
Rise of the Demon Lord

This page refers to content introduced at launch, with Chapter I: Rise of the Demon Lord.

[39] Mysterious Powder
 XP: 28,689
 TP: 2,868
 Gold: 3,657Gold 

[39][Daily] Tiny Control Equipment
 XP: 21,516
 TP: 2,151
 Gold: 1,828Gold 
You will receive:

  • Min Level: 37
  • Turn-in: 31

  • Min Level: 37
  • Turn-in: 31


All quest groups (diads or triads) start with the Main, non-repeatable quest, which unlocks the repeatable quests.

MainGet Puppet Crystal Powder Puppet Crystal Powder ×10
DailyGet Puppet Crystal Powder Puppet Crystal Powder ×100


Spoiler Alert!
We have hidden this information so that you have the choice to try it on your own, or have the advantage of knowing how the sausage is made...
Whenever you kill any of the Related Mobs you will see a message that "you notice some strange glittering powder on the ground nearby." This is the Puppet Crystal Powder Puppet Crystal Powder. You do not need to loot this, it will be automatically picked up for you.

Turning in either of these quests begins Stage two: the death of the dead and the countdown until the arrival of the Corpse Carrier.

Ystra Labyrinth
Quest Series
R.C. Rear Base Camp

About Daily Quests

Daily Quests are repeatable up to a total (for all Daily Quests) of 10 times per day. The count can be reset to zero by purchasing and using a Daily Quest Ticket Daily Quest Ticket from the Item Shop (for 39Diamonds ($1.16) ) or from any Phirius Merchant (for 780Phirius Token Coins ).

You can add to your XP and/or TP gain by using one or more Leveling Potions such as a Dual-Function Daily Quest Potion Dual-Function Daily Quest Potion.

During an XP/TP boost weekend, be sure to stock up on Daily Quest Tickets Daily Quest Tickets and use them in conjunction with a Dual-Function Daily Quest Potions Dual-Function Daily Quest Potions to turbocharge your XP/TP gain! In some zones you will find quest items that can be farmed and stored. This allows you to pop a Leveling Potioon and turn-in mass quantities of Daily Quests in a very short time. Watch for Quest Items that say they are stockable/can be stockpiled.

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