Runes of Magic Wiki

Various Skills, Runes, Gear, and Mounts can affect your Movement Speed (MS), both Mounted MS and Unmounted MS.

Decrease[ | ]

There are a number of de-buff effects, used by both monsters and players, that can decrease your MS.

  • Rogue Kick - Decreases MS by 40%.
  • Scout Joint Blow - Decreases MS by 10%-55%.

Increase[ | ]

  • Mounts - Available in increments of MS increase from 55% to 75%.
  • Potion: Unbridled Enthusiasm Potion: Unbridled Enthusiasm - A gift from a Housekeeper, this potion increases your Unmounted Movement Speed (MS), it has no affect on Mounted MS.
  • Potion: Galloping Gale Potion: Galloping Gale - A gift from a Housekeeper, this potion increases your Mounted Movement Speed (MS), it has no affect on Unmounted MS.
  • Potion: Godspeed Potion: Godspeed - A gift from a Housekeeper, +50% Unmounted Movement Speed for 8 seconds
  • I was told by a player (I will not name him) that his Unmounted MS was so high (nearly as high as Mounted MS) due to his boots, but when I examined his gear, I saw no MS Increase runes or other effects, so I think he was hacking or exploiting and lied to me.

Stub We need someone who really understands this. I am sure I have missed several methods to both increase and decrease your speed.