Runes of Magic Wiki
Moorlands Item Set (Required Level: 96)
Members and Set BonusesAppearanceMembers and Set BonusesAppearance
Moorlands () Cloth
Mountain Temple Hood Mountain Temple Hood
Mountain Temple Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Mountain Temple Boots Mountain Temple Boots
Rare Mountain Temple Hood (RW/Ggl)
Rare Mountain Temple Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Rare Mountain Temple Boots (RW/Ggl)
no set bonus

Item Set - Moorlands - Cloth - Male

Moorlands (Cloth Item Set)

Moorlands () Leather
Spectral Gate Helmet Spectral Gate Helmet
Spectral Gate Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Spectral Gate Boots (RW/Ggl)
Rare Spectral Gate Helmet (RW/Ggl)
Rare Spectral Gate Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Rare Spectral Gate Boots (RW/Ggl)
no set bonus

Item Set - Moorlands - Leather - Male

Moorlands (Leather Item Set)

Moorlands () Chain
Heroica Helmet Heroica Helmet
Heroica Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Heroica Boots Heroica Boots
Rare Heroica Helmet (RW/Ggl)
Rare Heroica Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Rare Heroica Boots Rare Heroica Boots (RW/Ggl)
no set bonus

Item Set - Moorlands - Chain - Male

Moorlands (Chain Item Set)

Moorlands () Plate
Troll Stronghold Helmet Troll Stronghold Helmet
Troll Stronghold Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Troll Stronghold Boots Troll Stronghold Boots
Rare Troll Stronghold Helmet (RW/Ggl)
Rare Troll Stronghold Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Rare Troll Stronghold Boots (RW/Ggl)
no set bonus

Item Set - Moorlands - Plate - Male

Moorlands (Plate Item Set)

WeaponsSet Notes
Moorlands () Weapons
Wand of the Mountain Temple (RW/Ggl)
Rare Sandhorian Great Hammer (RW/Ggl)
Hammer of the Bottomless Mines (RW/Ggl)
Spectral Gate Great Axe (RW/Ggl)
Shadis Great Sword Shadis Great Sword
Heroica Blade (RW/Ggl)
Akson Hand Axe Akson Hand Axe
Blade of the Damned Grotto (RW/Ggl)
Bow of Mularan Bow of Mularan
Crossbow of the Troll Stronghold (RW/Ggl)
Wand of the Raven Guard (RW/Ggl)
Rare Wand of the Mountain Temple (RW/Ggl)
Rare Sandhorian Great Hammer (RW/Ggl)
Rare Hammer of the Bottomless Mines (RW/Ggl)
Rare Spectral Gate Great Axe (RW/Ggl)
Rare Shadis Great Sword (RW/Ggl)
Rare Heroica Blade (RW/Ggl)
Rare Akson Hand Axe (RW/Ggl)
Rare Blade of the Damned Grotto
Rare Bow of Mularan (RW/Ggl)
Rare Crossbow of the Troll Stronghold (RW/Ggl)
Rare Wand of the Raven Guard (RW/Ggl)
no set bonus

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See Moorlands of Farsitan (Zone Loot Table) for dropped items in this zone. All mobs in Moorlands of Farsitan drop the Normal pieces. Each piece also has a Rare version, usually dropped by mobs in the Mountain Temple. See also: Moorlands of Farsitan (Zone Loot Table).
See also: Item Set Skills for a table of all Items Sets, by class, and what extractable skills they have.