Runes of Magic Wiki
[+] Ystra Highlands
 [+] Harf Trading Post
  [31] Materials for Mending
Tag / Questbook: / Ystra Highlands
Expansion: Ch.I: Rise of the Demon Lord
Icon - Start Quest Start: Lewis Tani (Ystra Highlands)
Related Mobs:
Related Items:
Icon - End Quest End: Lewis Tani
 XP: 6,317
 TP: 631
 Gold: 3,132Gold 

Quest Chain
  1. [31] Repair Job
  2. [31] Materials for Mending
  3. [31] Equipment Return
Rise of the Demon Lord

This page refers to content introduced at launch, with Chapter I: Rise of the Demon Lord.

Lewis Tani

Lewis Tani

You need to be at least Level 29 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 23 to turn-in this quest.


Gather 10 Silver Ore Silver Ores, 5 Bitterleaf Bitterleafs and 4 Soft Deerskin Soft Deerskins for Lewis Tani at Harf Trading Post.


I don't have enough materials so I can't fix it straight away!

I need to ask you to gather 10 Silver Ore Silver Ores, 5 Bitterleaf Bitterleafs and 4 Soft Deerskin Soft Deerskins.
You can hunt down or gather all these materials nearby. When you have them bring them to me and I can fix this equipment straight away.


Spoiler Alert!
We have some more information about how to perform this quest but recognize you might want to try it on your own before we tell you the secret...
You need two Harvesting professions to do this by yourself. Probably, you will need to ask friends to get some of the materials for you. Bitterleaf Bitterleaf (locations) requires Herbalism (14) to harvest, and Silver Ore Silver Ore (locations) requires Mining (32)! Neither of the gathered items are bound so feel free to use a higher-level toon to gather them and mail them to you. The Soft Deerskin Soft Deerskin drops from Khazor Reindeer. I am sure you will be expected to gather this yourself.

Of course, the Silver Ore Silver Ore and Bitterleaf Bitterleaf may usually be purchased on the Auction House.

Good, forward-thinking, low-to-mid-level guilds will keep stacks of Bitterleaf Bitterleaf and Silver Ore Silver Ore in the guild bank just to help members with this quest.


Spoiler Alert!
The game provides some further information that may, or may not, actually help...
Hurry...The quicker you collect the items, the quicker I can get to work.

You can't find Silver Ore Silver Ore? Bitterleaf Bitterleaf? You can also purchase these items!

Don't worry! I'll give you money for the materials!


Spoiler Alert!
This text may, or may not, contain information about future tasks or game lore...
You did well. I can mend the equipment now.

Repair Job
Ystra Highlands
Quest Series
Harf Trading Post
Equipment Return
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