Runes of Magic Wiki
[+] Ystra Highlands
 [+] Harf Trading Post
  [42] Magic Book from the Dark
Tag / Questbook: QuestsV1815 / Harf Trading Post
Icon - Start Quest Start: Tokamofi (Ystra Highlands)
Icon - End Quest End: Tokamofi
 XP: 19,130
 TP: 1,913
 Gold: 1,926Gold 

Quest Chain
Magical Sources This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.
  1. [42] Black Market Book
  2. [42] Bring Back the Key
  3. [42] Magic Book from the Dark
  4. [42] Magic Collecting Stone
  5. [42] Green Magic Source
  6. [42] Red Magic Source
  7. [42] White Magic Source
  8. [42] Yellow Magic Source
  9. [42] Blue Magic Source
  10. [42] Summon the Creature from the Dark
  11. [42] Magic Equipment
  12. [42] Sell to the Researcher


You need to be at least Level 40 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 34 to turn-in this quest.


Listen to what Tokamofi tells you about the book.


Listen to Tokamofi’s instructions.


(After Tokamofi uses the key to open the lock, he very carefully opens the book and reads it...)

Waa! Are the things in here real? Unbelievable.

Do you want to know what's in it too? If you are like me, you are overflowing with curiosity about such mysterious things, so just spend a little time and listen to me read the book aloud.


Spoiler Alert!
This text may, or may not, contain information about future tasks or game lore...
How about it? Interesting?

Reading the preface of this book makes me really want to summon a "powerful" animal to have a look, but the steps are extremely complicated. Can you help me there?

Bring Back The Key (RW/Ggl)
Ystra Highlands
Quest Series
Harf Trading Post
Magic Collecting Stone
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