Runes of Magic Wiki

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8 October 2023

  • curprev 18:4718:47, 8 October 2023‎ Bludwyng talk contribs‎ m 649 bytes +6‎ No edit summary undo
  • curprev 18:4718:47, 8 October 2023‎ Bludwyng talk contribs‎ 643 bytes +643‎ Created page with "{{Object |zones=Howling Mountains|poi=Logar|loc=51,40|respawn= |type=Bulletin Board|id=110584 |rare= |location= |skill= |resources=|resourcequalities=|resourcequantities= |minlevel= |processednormal=|processedgood=|processedrare= |processedepic=|processedlegendary= |starts=Stolen Tools,Starving Wolves,Collect Boar Tusks,Sharp Bear Claw,Spider Venom,Drive Off the Bats,The Kobold Rampage,Annoying Beetles,Wanted: The Ravenous Kalod,Wanted: Pirlanok Servant,Wanted: Lost Soul..."