Runes of Magic Wiki
File:Map - Leader's Room.jpg

Map of Leader's Room

Rise of the Demon Lord

This page refers to content introduced at launch, with Chapter I: Rise of the Demon Lord.

Zone Information
Continent Candara
Type Instanced Dungeon
Expansion Ch.I: Rise of the Demon Lord
Level Range 46 to 56
Connecting Zones Ystra Labyrinth --> Royals' Refuge
Max Players 6
Progress Saved? No
Quests Mobs Loot Shops Objects

How do I get to Leader's Room the first time?: To open the door you need a Release Rune Release Rune (which is consumed by entry).

Please see Instance List for a table of all Instances, by the zone they are found in, and the quests that are involved with them.


Harvestable Resources in this Zone

Please see Category:Resource Node (Object Type) for a complete list of all Harvestable Resources.

The second and third subzones of Ystra Labyrinth each have a Crown Elite Dungeon Instance. This sub-subzone is the one that is accessed from Royals' Refuge, from the Royals' Refuge Entrance Hall.

Each time you enter Leader's Room, it will consume a Release Rune Release Rune from the first party member to touch the door. The Release Rune Release Rune is dropped by many mobs in the Guards' Corridor.

The only quest for this zone is Ancient Rune Technology from Damdur.
