Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki
ID#: 241729
Worth: 126Gold 
Maximum Stack Size: 100
Recipe ID#: 552065 (RW/Ggl)

This item is created by BlacksmithingBlacksmithing (60).

Blacksmithing (Production)
Icon - Large Functional Advanced Tailoring Chest
Large Functional Advanced Tailoring Chest
Not dropped on PK death
Prepared Materials
Cannot be sold
Required to make boss monster decorative guild furniture.

Recipe - Large Functional Advanced Tailoring Chest Recipe - Large Functional Advanced Tailoring Chest
Requires BlacksmithingBlacksmithing level 60
Raw Materials:
Hardwork Crystal Hardwork Crystal ×4
Disenchant Rune Disenchant Rune ×5
Ancient Spirit Oak Lumber Ancient Spirit Oak Lumber ×15
Thorn Apple Juice Thorn Apple Juice ×3
Fairywood Timber Fairywood Timber ×3
Large Simple Advanced Tailoring Chest ×1 (RW/Ggl)
Functional Arcane Adept Iron Chest Functional Arcane Adept Iron Chest

Very few Crafted items have no upgrade path, but this appears to be one of them.
