Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki
see also: Category:Justice Workshop (Merchant Type)

A group of scholars interested in rewarding adventurers for acts of bravery and dedication. They will "sell" armor, weapons and accessories in exchange for gold and Energy of Justice Energy of Justice tokens.

Energy of Justice Energy of Justice tokens are earned by completing Public quests, earning Public Event Points Public Event Points, in zones from Tergothen Bay and beyond, which contributes to completion of a Regional Quest. Tokens are awarded based on both your individual score and the total score earned by all players in the zone during the current cycle.

Be aware that many Daily and Public versions of a quest can be done simultaneously, making it possible for you to contribute to the Regional Quest at the same time you earn XP, gold and Phirius Token Coins Phirius Token Coins.

Initially all prices will be 99,999Gold 999Energy of Justice . Once you have earned a total of more than 5,000Energy of Justice  they will offer better prices. You can only buy from them in between, when the Regional Quest is in it's reset phase (2 minutes) AND you have contributed to the most recent wave. At all other times it will say everything is out of stock.

See Category:Justice Workshop (Merchant Type) for a list of these vendors.
