Runes of Magic Wiki
For other articles with related titles, see Hunt for Rainbow Eggs.

Daily Quest
[+] Spring Rain Festival
 [+] Hunt for Rainbow Eggs
  [1][Event Daily] Hunt for Rainbow Eggs
Quest ID# 427975
Tag / Questbook: E:Spring / Festival Event
Expansion: Ch.I: Rise of the Demon Lord
Icon - Start Daily Quest Start: Old Wabbit @ Dalanis Gates (Thunderhoof Hills)
Related Items:
Related Objects:
Icon - End Daily Quest End: Old Wabbit
 XP: 24
 TP: 2
 Gold: 50Gold 
You will receive:
Title: Expert Egg Hunter Expert Egg Hunter
Rise of the Demon Lord

This page refers to content introduced at launch, with Chapter I: Rise of the Demon Lord.

Old Wabbit

Old Wabbit

Old Rabbit's Rainbow Egg (Object)

Old Rabbit's Rainbow Egg

This quest becomes trivial above Level 100.


Gather Old Rabbit's Rainbow Eggs Old Rabbit's Rainbow Eggs from Old Rabbit's Rainbow Egg in Dalanis.

Goals: Old Rabbit's Rainbow Egg Old Rabbit's Rainbow Egg ×100


Have you seen any eggs? What? You have to speak louder! My ears aren't what they used to be. You've come from the city, haven't you? HAVE YOU SEEN ANY EGGS?

Hiding eggs is in our instincts, you must know, but I'm too old for digging holes! So I've thought up another method. This chaotic city is ideal for hiding things, is it not? A bit louder! Exactly! So I've hidden a large number of eggs. (He puffs out his chest and wiggling his ears with pride.)

Search for the eggs I've hidden them in the city. Got it? What? A BIT LOUDER!

IF you complete this quest within the 10-minute timer-skill, Hunt for Rainbow Eggs Hunt for Rainbow Eggs, you will earn the title Expert Egg Hunter Expert Egg Hunter.


Spoiler Alert!
We have some more information about how to perform this quest but recognize you might want to try it on your own before we tell you the secret...

The Old Rabbit's Rainbow Egg can be found in all districts of Dalanis EXCEPT Dalanis Central District. Look in the nooks and corners of the area, and under porches. There are also some decorations that look identical to Old Rabbit's Rainbow Egg but cannot be clicked. Each Old Rabbit's Rainbow Egg will give you 2 to 6 Old Rabbit's Rainbow Eggs Old Rabbit's Rainbow Eggs.

Hunt for Rainbow Eggs
There is a title if you can get this done in less than 10 minutes (Timer is called Hunt for Rainbow Eggs Hunt for Rainbow Eggs). Some asked if you could get the 100 eggs, then abandon this quest, reacquire it to get a new 10 minute timer, then turn it in. This does NOT work! Abandoning this quest will remove any eggs you already have and you will have to start over!

Be aware! This quest is NOT in the list of tasks/quests reset by using a Spring Rain Festival Repeat Ticket Spring Rain Festival Repeat Ticket!

Hunt for Rainbow Eggs - Dalanis Map

Map of Dalanis with Egg Locations

Casanova recorded these egg locations.

Event Daily quests are repeatable, but only once per day unless a Festival Repeat Ticket Festival Repeat Ticket is used.

Spring Rain Festival This page relates to a quest, mob, event, or item involved in the annual Spring Rain Festival (April to May)
Relevant Topic: Hunt for Rainbow Eggs