Runes of Magic Wiki
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Explorer of the Howling Mountains

Obtain the following titles :

  • Obtain title "Helen's Farm Guardian"
  • Obtain title "Katrina's Best Assistant"
  • Obtain title "Logar's New Hero"
  • Obtain title "Messenger of the Redeye Night Bear Seal"
  • Obtain title "Phirius Workshops Sponsor"
  • Obtain title "Porgy's Rescuer"
  • Obtain title "Third Guard Company Supply Team Member"
  • Obtain title "Water Purifier"

After fulfilling the abovementioned conditions, please press the "Check" button to receive your title.

Friend of the Water Dragon Zanordoth

Complete the following Howling Mountains quests :

Full-stomach Warrior

Complete the following Howling Mountains quest :

Helen's Farm Guardian

Complete the following Howling Mountains quests :

Katrina's Best Assistant

Complete the following Howling Mountains quests :

Logar's New Hero

Complete the following Howling Mountains quests :

Messenger of the Redeye Night Bear Seal

Complete the following Howling Mountains quests :

Phirius Workshops Sponsor

Complete the following Howling Mountains quests :

Porgy's Rescuer

Complete the following Howling Mountains quests :

Third Guard Company Supply Team Member

Complete the following Howling Mountains quests :

Water Purifier

Complete the following Howling Mountains quests :
