Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki
For other articles with related titles, see Holy Spring Amulet.

[+] Epic - The Seductive Dark Pearl
 [+] Chapter I: Here's Your Scion
  [16][Epic] Holy Spring Amulet
Tag / Questbook: none / Epic - The Seductive Dark Pearl
Expansion: Ch.I: Rise of the Demon Lord
Icon - Start Quest Start: Phil August (Silverspring)
Related POIs:
Related Mobs:
Related Items:
Icon - End Quest End: Liam Pierre
 XP: 439
 TP: 43
 Gold: 526Gold 

Chapter I: Here's Your Scion This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.
  1. [14][Epic] Code of Honor
  2. [14][Epic] Book Delivery
  3. [14][Epic] Mysterious Magical Formula
  4. [14][Epic] Holy Spring Amulet
  5. [16][Epic] Runestone Energy
  6. [16][Epic] Amulet Transfer
  7. [17][Epic] Looking for Louie
  8. [19][Epic] Secret Mission
  9. [20][Epic] Obscure Ancient Text
  10. [20][Epic] Auskor Fal's Introduction Letter
Rise of the Demon Lord

This page refers to content introduced at launch, with Chapter I: Rise of the Demon Lord.


Phil August

You need to be at least Level 10 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 8 to turn-in this quest.


Take Phil August's Emblem to the Forsaken Abbey and ask Aymar for a Holy Spring Amulet Holy Spring Amulet.

The Final Step
Epic - The Seductive Dark Pearl
Quest Series
Chapter I: Here's Your Scion
Runestone Energy
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sigh Big Brother thinks I can't see his wounds. He doesn't realize that he reeks of blood.

Could you take my Emblem Emblem to the Forsaken Abbey and ask Holy City Ambassador Aymar to turn it into a Holy Spring Amulet Holy Spring Amulet using his holy powers. I hope this kind of amulet will really protect big brother!
